单词 huh 例句大全,用单词huh造句:

Quite a storm last night, huh ?Is your apartment OK ?
昨晚的雨真大呀, 你的房子没事吧?
Quite a storm last night, huh ? Is your apartment OK ?
昨晚得雨真大呀, 你得房子没事吧?
Huh! We must study hard to be a high academic students!
嗯嗯!一定要努力学习, 做个品学兼优的学生!
Try real hard to be asleep by the time I get back, huh?
我回来的时候你最好是睡着了, 好吗?
So, I guess this means we're babysitting the kids, huh?
Where were you when Harold lost his job a year ago, huh?
I guess the baby thing didn't really appeal to you, huh?
我想你对生孩子那事没兴趣 对吗?
Ben was a little tougher than you thought, huh, Elliott ?
and get angry and outraged and stomp out of the room? Huh?
Huh. I remember sending you money in Paris For an emergency.
If they have problems, you must get em for a bargain, huh
Can I get you anything, huh? Lens cleaner? Your battery okay?
Alan Hippy Carnes Probably shouldnt have married her then, huh
阿兰嬉皮士康斯那么或许不应该和她结婚, 是吧?
What a rumble, huh I barely got out before the cops got there.
吵死人了, 是吧?那些警察到之前我几乎没法离开那儿。
Can I get you anything, huh ?Lens cleaner ?Your battery okay ?
How can i show my face if the federales scoop my arrests, huh ?
Mmhmm. Well, parenting almost makes the campaign look easy, huh?
well, you probably wanna use the bathroom before you leave, huh?
Eric and I taken outside his master bedroom, beautiful wall, huh ?
启贤跟我在他主卧室外的墙壁前拍张照, 很美的墙壁吧?
Ah, forget to tell your wife you work with the old girlfriend, huh?
忘记告诉你老婆 你跟前女友在一起工作。
In what alternate universe does it look like I need your help, huh ?
你哪根筋搭错了, 认为我要你帮忙?
Awesome huh Make sure you dont play it at night with a real car, scary
很酷吧?请勿在晚上遥控你的真车, 会很吓人的。
Anyways, yea, i break record last night, slept for about 8 hours, weird huh.
Game time source intention to welcome everyone to download to learn, huh, huh.
小游戏读心术源码, 欢迎大家下载学习, 呵呵。
The bride and bridegroom throw the wedding flowers and I received the ball, huh, huh.
婚礼上新郎和新娘的花球被我接到了, 呵呵。

单词 huh 释义



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