单词 human 例句大全,用单词human造句:

The serum of some human beings caused agglutination of the red blood corpuscles of other human beings.
Throughout human history, no one has ever seen human nature at such a peak of brutality and barbarity.
人类历史上, 从未见过人性如此残暴。
With the Holy Spirit there is the divine essence, and with the human virgin there is the human essence.
Updated report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights and forensic science
Press releases were issued on the proceedings of the Human Rights Commission and human rights treaty bodies.
Human beings continue to suffer from the neglect and violation of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Culture has begun to offer the human race convenience and generosity since it has been created by the human race.
自从人类创造了文化, 文化便开始给予人类以方便和厚待。
The Biological Effects of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein2 on Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts
The third section is mainly about criticism of the destruction of human nature and the call of good human nature.
Human development is from its basic phase to the advanced phase, not a return of human essences from its alienation.
Culture as human social attribute is human essential attribute without which people are nothing but a senior animal.
Simultaneously cherishes the school facility, the human walks the lamp to extinguish, the human walks the water gate.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, through its article26, provides the foundation for human rights education.
Effect of berberine on the adhesion between human umbilical vein endothelial cells and human pulmonary carcinoma cells
Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation multimedia textbook describing unusual human anatomical features.
The theory of human nature supposition is an analysis and classification of human predilection of psychological behavior.
Human emancipation, including the assurance of human rights, is closely linked to national liberation and social progress.
The results show that the relationship between human and gorilla is more closed related than betWeen human and chimpanzee.
结果表明, 人与大猩猩的关系比黑猩猩要近一些。
Complicity in the business and human rights context refers to the indirect involvement of companies in human rights abuses.
Wang Chong of fate is divided into country life and human lives, human lives and to obey the country life, which has its own rationality.
王充把命分为国命和人命, 人命服从国命, 这有其合理性。
A Quantitative Identification Method to Human Behaviour Key Performance Shaping Factors in Human Protagonist Machine Costar Humachine System
From the great storehouse of the ether, the human mind is constantly attracting vibrations which harmonize with that which DOMINATES the human mind.
The Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights provided the opening address and closing remarks were made by the President of the Human Rights Council.
人权事务副高级专员致开幕辞, 人权理事会主席致闭幕词。
The main contents are the character of identical particles of quantum human body, and the wave function Pauli principle of identical particles system of quantum human body.
Among a host of animals, why are only human beings reasonable? Because human beings have a treasure that other animals do not have, which is called sympathy. Sympathy is to make allowances for others with one's own heart. All mortals and civilization in the world begin with this.

单词 human 释义

  • 单词释义:人的;人本性的;通人情的  [更多..]



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