单词 humanity 例句大全,用单词humanity造句:

The drizzle of acidic rain ceased as if in acknowledgement of the Lord of Humanity's presence.
These attacks represent an affront to humanity and a challenge to the international community.
They are a sort of literary manifestation and aesthetic design about humanity poetic existence.
The Present Situation on Aggies Humanity Analysis on Qualities of Agricultural College Students
You will notice that there are no conflictive signs in the new astrology for ascending humanity.
Such legislation was recognition that what had occurred to black slaves affected all of humanity.
这种立法承认, 黑奴遭遇的一切影响了全人类。
Economic crimes, as well as war crimes and crimes against humanity were excluded from the amnesty.
Despite their antiquity, their bodies were already starting to presage humanity, the scientists said.
我们选择了不同的进化方向, 转向社会化。
The risk is high that this House of humanity will fall apart for lack of responsibility and leadership.
He not only asserted that humanity is originally kind, but also explained the source of evil of humanity.
She deeply anatomizes the desolation of the humanity through describing the abnormality of the characters.
Humanity along with the slave race in particular was utilized to construct the matrixes along with nature.
His three categories of humanity was a further explanation on the relationship between humanity and practice.
The looking back literature and art emphasized the digging of humanity and the innovation of the style of art.
Can this have what achievement regarding the humanity, how the humanity can accomplish itself, very important.
这对于人类能有何作为, 人类能如何造就自己, 至关重要。
He was bringing peace to a divided and violent South Africa, one man with an unbelievable sense of his humanity.
Outer space belongs to all mankind, and the peaceful use of outer space is the common aspiration of all humanity.
外层空间属于全人类, 和平利用外空是全人类的共同愿望。
She was perfectly disposed to make every allowance for the colonel's advanced state of life which humanity required.
Therefore, the ism the Supreme Society is the awakening and perfect fusion of humanity and the happiness and easiness of life.
因此, 最高社会的主义是人性觉醒圆融, 生命快乐自在。
Thats why Confucian advocates middlebrow and tolerance, namely, following humanity and morality, doing things in medium manner.
The new hundred phoenixes send myna princess to hold the post of the messenger who between the birds and the humanity associate.
The second content is reflecting family problems. In this part, the author publicized ethics centered by filial piety and humanity.
Association, which manages inspiration and instruction in humanity intelligence, like ideology, education, knowledge, technology, etc.
In the still vibrant waters between Alaska and Siberia, humanity has another chance-perhaps the last chance-to prove it can take care of a crucial marine ecosystem.
But adapting a novel by Peter and working with director Michael Corrente, the siblings, who also produced this film, maintain their best quality, frankness about our basic humanity.

单词 humanity 释义

  • 单词释义:人类;人性;人道;人文学科  [更多..]



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