单词 humankind 例句大全,用单词humankind造句:

It may have been the closest that humankind has ever come to encountering extraterrestrials.
The nightmare of war and the suffering and death of millions compelled humankind to shudder.
We must mobilize our powers of reasoning and abstract thought, which are unique to humankind.
Once humankind has cognized and mastered the social Dao, such an ideal can turn into reality.
人类只要认识和把握社会之道, 理想就能变成现实。
Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such.
The greatest challenge facing humankind today is economic development and poverty eradication.
The International Space Station will enable humankind to carry out a lot of valuable research.
We recognize that all cultures and civilizations can contribute to the enrichment of humankind.
Today, the main challenge facing humankind is represented by the awesome force of globalization.
From the East Christ, the savior of humankind, is the great light which shines upon all peoples.
Humankind has suffered the ravages of two world wars, whose reverberations continue to affect us.
There are indisputable achievements in the history of humankind. This Organization is one of them.
There is no doubt that climate change is the biggest danger facing humankind, especially the poor.
Purpose To create a new environment in which humankind and other creatures can coexist in dignity.
Nevertheless, he dauntlessly took action to open a great and eternal path of hope for all humankind.
然而, 大圣人决不屈服, 为人类开启了希望的永恒大道。
The absorbing amount of nutriment and laminarin from kelp by eating directly by humankind is very little.
Humankind is moving toward a new century, and the international situation, in general, is becoming relaxed.
人类正在步入新的世纪, 国际局势总体继续趋向缓和。
However, this spread of individual activities has constituted a latent menace to whole world and humankind.
Jealousy isnt limited to humankind. Elephants and other animals have been seen exhibiting jealous behavior.
嫉妒不局限于人类, 大象也曾被观察到嫉妒的行为
The Spacefaring Age will thus come to fruition, with the promise of significant benefits for all humankind.
太空时代终将成到来, 它将给全人类带来美好的未来。
And the World Health Organization also says that depression is the biggest epidemic that humankind has ever faced.
同时世卫也强调抑郁症是 人类有史以来面对的最大疾病。
A Over a thousand mountains the winging birds have disappeared. Through ten thousand paths, no trace of humankind.
千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。
Billions of queries stream across the servers these Internet services aggregate thought stream of humankind, online.
In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.
the branch of anthropology that deals with the division of humankind into races and with their origins and distribution and distinctive characteristics.

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