单词 humidity 例句大全,用单词humidity造句:

Relation Analysis Between Reeling Ability of Spring Cocoons and Atmosphere Temperature and Humidity
The researchers do not know exactly what it is about low absolute humidity that the flu virus likes.
Thanks to exclusive silica beads, this product absorbs excess humidity in refrigerator compartments.
When temperature and humidity increase simultaneously, the pollution of formaldehyde will aggravate.
The less the relative humidity of the wind, the better the absorption capacity of the water vapor is.
High humidity administers to the liquefaction and diluting of mucilaginous secretion in the bronchia.
However, absolute humidity changes little with altitudes when it gets closer to the highest humidity.
但绝对湿度越靠近最高湿度, 它随高度的变化就越小。
The effect of humidity was not significant, conidia could germinate in general environmental humidity.
Relative humidity, light intensity at night and food have remarkable effects on reproduction of adults.
Influence of Humidity Stratification on the Dynamics of Convective Plumes and Thermals in the Atmosphere
Affection on of embryo growth and protein metabolism of silkworm gees in various temperature and humidity
The ditching machine has a high adaptability to the humidity of the soil and enhances ditching efficiency.
Satisfactory measures against humidity shall be provided, because humidity is detrimental to refractories.
要湿度应尽量小一些, 因为湿气对耐火材料有害。
In order to control the absolute humidity, they bought a piece of special equipment for the archives office.
In nature, the alteration of four seasons and the change of temperature and humidity are all just to the point.
自然界四时运作, 温度及湿度的变化都分布得恰到好处。
Both incubation temperature and substrate humidity affected hatching success and shell crack rate significantly.
The main objective of this equipment is to study atmospheric humidity profiles, with applications in meteorology.
Organic humidity controlling material had great moisture capacity, but a low absorbing and releasing moisture speed.
有机调湿材料吸放湿速度中等或较慢, 但湿容量大。
A nozzle is arranged in the damp heat air duct, which can adjust the temperature and humidity of the damp hot blast.
The Research and Realization of Temperature and Humidity Monitor and Control System in Brewage House of Alcohol Factory
Aspects of humidity and temperature measurement are considered, followed by methods for determining and combining uncertainties.
According to different measure methods and actual applications, multiple humidity parameters are used to indicate moisture content.
These physiological and anatomical changes made the plantlets adapt themselves to the conditions of low humidity and natural light.
Should be opposite according to oneself the requirement of humidity, reasonable adjustment wet value of sparge quantity and constant.
Too great a variation of amplitude in either temperature or humidity will aggravate the periodic contraction and expansion of the surface of rock.
温, 湿度变化振幅过大, 会加剧岩壁表层周期性收缩膨胀

单词 humidity 释义

  • 单词释义:(空气中的)湿度;潮湿,高温潮湿;湿热;[物]湿度  [更多..]



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