单词 humiliation 例句大全,用单词humiliation造句:

He was suffering an excruciating humiliation which mocked him in its very intensity.
Many media coverage praised her as saving her infidelity, or just refused humiliation.
Then, what submission, what cringing and fawning, what servility, what abject humiliation!
好一个低眉垂首, 阿谀逢迎, 胁肩谄笑, 卑躬屈膝的场面!
Every means of humiliation was deliberately employed to destroy the Jews faith in himself.
The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church.
第五时期对教会来说是一个痛苦, 忧伤, 蒙耻和贫穷的时期。
Issac you deserve the most gruesome fate for the humiliation you brought upon me 3 years ago.
VI.Describing in detail acts of violence, sadism, and humiliation related to abnormal sex.
Humiliation, slander and false accusation against residents in any form shall be prohibited.
Even those who bitterly opposed Saddam feel the indignity of his humiliation at American hands.
There is some dispute about exactly what sort of majority Mrs Merkel needs to avoid humiliation.
This wanton betrayal and humiliation shocked the whole nation and touched off a storm of protests.
A court that the headmaster breached the duty of care by imposing punishment involving humiliation.
You never could suppose from her countenance what pangs of humiliation she might be enduring inwardly.
She said, You know, the poverty wasn't so bad. It was the humiliation and the embarrassment of it all.
她说,你知道,穷并不是太坏。那只是耻辱 和尴尬。
The South will never submit to such humiliation and degradation as the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln.
Once your beliefs are congruent with your actions, the next step toward banishing humiliation is openness.
如果你的行为违背了你的个人道德准则, 羞辱是自然的产物。
This is the greatest humiliation for the Buddhism and the greatest malignancy intolerable to Buddha Dharma.
Restrictions on freedom of movement constitute the institutionalized humiliation of the Palestinian people.
subjecting persons receiving treatment of drug addiction to corporal punishment, maltreatment, humiliation, etc.
In order to take revenge on the enemy who killed his father, he has been enduring humiliation in order to survive.
Open up. Once your beliefs are congruent with your actions, the next step toward banishing humiliation is openness.
一旦你的信仰和行为全等, 赶走羞辱的下一步就是坦言。
In the river water, did not know how many loves whirls around to hate the rival in love the humiliation and the bubble
在江水之中, 不知翻卷着多少爱恨情仇的屈辱和泡影?
Bitter memories of insults and humiliation linger. Mutual acquaintances, fearing more broken crockery, offer to mediate.
Liberation means rising above honor and humiliation, slander and praise. Detachment means rising above success and failure, gain and loss.
But his clumsily urgent efforts to obviate that possibility, most obviously in the selfinflicted humiliation of the nonelection, have instead made it more likely.

单词 humiliation 释义

  • 单词释义:羞辱:使(别人)丢脸的行动;羞辱,耻辱;丢脸,丢人  [更多..]



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