单词 in 例句大全,用单词in造句:

Not in orgies go bad, is in silence calm in abnormal.
In fact, if you're not in Nigeria, you're not in Africa.
In presence and in absence. In simplicity and complexity.
in accordance with I am in accordance with him in this matter.
在这件事上, 我同他是一致的。
God is love, and he abides in love abides in God abides in him.
神就是爱, 住在爱里面的, 就住在神里面, 神也住在他里面。
In a faster way B. In a less expensive way C. In a slower way D.
Her presence in nature was felt in spring, her absence in winter.
她在春天里到来, 在冬季中离去。
In addition,21 contact offices have been in place in and provinces.
I, I, I, uh, bumped in to him in an, in an elevator in an elevator.
God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
Wednesday's attack in Tal Afar was the second in the town in two days.
When they couch in their dens, and abide in the covert to lie in wait
I arrived in Afghanistan in 1988 to work in a hospital for war victims.
1990年 我到了阿富汗 为一家收治战争伤员的 医院工作
In the accumulation of ash in the pen, we first see is the truth in life.
在堆积着的笔灰中, 我们首先看到的是做人的道理。
Saloon in Berbers home, in desert in Tunisia, North Africa, Photo by kaka.
In contrast, smooth muscle cells were more active in the PZ than in the TZ.
For a long time in that vast region, this law was in abeyance. D. in disuse.
在那辽阔地域, 这些法律已失效了很长时间了。
In our percent academe, the study about in dubio in doubt case is disheveled.
在目前我国的学术界, 对于疑罪从无的研究是散乱的。
Ones awareness in the former case is in general more acute than in the later.
此人对前一种情况的自觉程度, 一般比后一情况更深刻。
In addition, the repairing work in tunnel is more difficult than in open line.
In addition, all witnesses in criminal cases are protected by law in Mauritius.
In addition. irrigates in the construction large reservoir or in the deep well.
He seemed in no way dashed in spirits, nor did he at all abate in his activities.
他的精神似乎始终没有消沉, 他的活动力一点也没有减弱。
They played important roles in apostolic activity, in education, and in the arts.
My grandfather is the most advanced in years and senior in generation in my family.

单词 in 释义

  • 单词释义:采用(某种方式);穿着,带着;(表示位置)在…里面,(表示领域,范围)在…以内;(表示品质、能力等)在…之中  [更多..]



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