Student inaudible Prof. Then you disagree on the meaning of the word cause.
学生, 教授那么你不同意原因的意思。
Student inaudible Prof. no youre doing exactly what I am warning you against.
学生, 教授不, 你们做的是我警告过你们的。
Student inaudible Prof. right I cant remember the particular example I used there.
学生, 教授好, 我不记得了, 我们当时用的例子。
an inaudible conversation. the company claimed that the service worked during tests.
Student inaudible Prof. we could say that or we could say smoking plus something else.
学生, 教授我们可能说那个, 或者说, 抽烟加上其他。
The original files are basically inaudible hiss. After increasing the volume substantially.
If the operating frequency is supersonic, the valve operation should be inaudible to humans.
Annoying sounds and inaudible vibrations have caused problems with some experimental wind machines.
Student INAUDIBLE Is that right Arguments are sets of sentences, you cant evaluate them in that way.
学生, 论点是句子组成的, 你不能用那种方式评价。