单词 incorrectly 例句大全,用单词incorrectly造句:

Finally, he states that the State party incorrectly evaluated the facts and evidence of his case.
It has been suggested that students should be penalized in examinations if they spell incorrectly.
有人建议如果学生在测验中拼错单词, 应当扣分。
The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively.
如连续六次按入错误密码, 卡会被自动柜员机没收。
Opposite adaptation values in connection with misfiring point to incorrectly adjusted control times.
Sometimes, psoriatic arthritis is incorrectly diagnosed as gout or can even be associated with gout.
The rogue talent Mutilate will no longer incorrectly appear multiple times in the combat log when used.
Exchange Asymmetries Incorrectly Interpreted as Evidence of Endowment Effect Theory and Prospect Theory?
Paladins Benediction This talent will no longer incorrectly provide a double discount to Seal of Justice.
The carrier may refuse to accept baggage incorrectly packed not conforming to transportation requirements.
对包装不符合要求的行李, 承运人可拒运或不负损坏责任。
After doing this, the incorrectly configured application will be able to start and bind on this fake interface.
The program incorrectly classifies this triangle as a scalene triangle instead of classifying it as an isosceles triangle.
In one study the person's gender was reported perfectly by 100 percent of witnesses, hair colour about 73 per cent accurately, but facial hair almost always incorrectly.
On the topic of user preferences, recommender systems may also incorrectly label users a la this classic Wall St Journal story from 2002, If TiVo Thinks You Are Gay, Heres How to Set It Straight.

单词 incorrectly 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.不正确地,错误地  [更多..]



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