单词 increase 例句大全,用单词increase造句:

Villi in the small intestine increase the surface area of the gut, which helps in the absorption of food.
It has been observed to cause the pupils to dilate, increase blood pressure, and increase the heart rate.
它也可能引起瞳孔膨胀, 血压增高和心率不齐。
Furthermore, the reactivity and sulfur capacity of sorbents increase with an increase in its pore volume.
This leads to an increase in the absorption, which may lead to system impairments or even system failures.
The absorbance value increased with the rise of the alcohol concn. and the increase of the extraction times.
随着乙醇浓度的升高和浸提次数的增加, 吸光度值增加。
You accelerate the system, the tension will increase and you will see that, you will read that on the scale.
加速整个系统, 张力会变大, 这可以从弹簧秤的读数中, 看出来。
When the strike is settled, there will probably be an increase in wages and a concurrent increase in prices.
罢工事件解决后, 可能会加薪, 同时物价也会上涨。
Abstract Economic growth is mainly increase of economic aggregate which is based on growth of all industries.
ResultsDuring cell growth, increase exogenous spermidine resulted in the increase rate of cell proliferation.
因此, 端粒在细胞衰老和肿瘤增殖中有重要作用。
The dielectric constant and thermal expansion coefficient of samples increase with the increase of ZnO content.
Absence extinguishes small passions and increase great ones, as the wind will blow out a candle, and blow in a fire.
Potassium fertilizer could increase the protein content, sedimentation value, water absorption rate and stable time.
Another method to increase the pressure ratio precp is to increase the temperature and Mach number of the eject gas.
提高引射气体的温度及马赫数, 也可增加扩压比。
In addition, with the increase of flange width of piers, both the load capability and ductility of the wall increase.
Therefore, at sufficiently high energies the absorption coefficient begins to increase after passing through a minimum.
因此, 在足够高的能量下, 吸收系数便由最小值开始增加。
Increase of the voltage makes the pool surface temperature increased only, without obvious increase of penetration depth.
There is no doubt the connotations of the increase will increase business card printing and membership card making products.
Increase of Cu concentration will generate an increase in melting point of the alloy and increase of viscosity of the solder.
With the increase of the content of leucite crystals, the fracture toughness of feldspathic ceramics will increase accordingly.
The softened horny substances make the skin more easily to be combined with skincare products and increase the absorbing ability.
软化角质, 使肌肤更易与护肤品融合, 提高吸收功能。
School uniforms increase attendance and academic achievement, so the practice of wearing uniforms at school should be popularised.
Under different temperatures the pressure fluctuation deviation will experience an increase with an increase in fluidization number.
Planting new peanut crop can commenly increase production more than 20% when compared with continual crops with the highest increase of 40%.
Increase of potassium level is associated with increase of lodging resistance through maintenance of high turgor pressure in cells of rice culm.
The result suggested that the increase of root surface area under P deficiency condition could be mainly attributable to the increase of lateral root length induced.

单词 increase 释义

  • 单词释义:n.增加,增大,增长;vt.增加,加大;vi.增加,繁殖  [更多..]



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