This indicates that you can drag the task name to indent or outdent the task.
Indent comment at the same level of indentation as the code you are documenting.
Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the beginning of very month.
On the adjoining page we hand you indent for various lines, which please ship at once.
Scoring To mechanically indent a line on paper to facilitate folding. Also calledCreating.
Scoring To mechanically indent a line on paper to facilitate folding. also called Creating.
压折机用机械方式, 在纸上压上凹下的线条, 方便屈折。
The spray quality is improved when the relative speed and length of indent chamber increase.
随著缩进长度增大, 雾化质量明显变好。
Click the row for the task that you want to indent as a subtask or outdent as a summary task.
Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of 100 bale of al merino wool.
兹寄上本公司的订单, 请立即发运100包一等品美利奴羊毛。
To change the wrapping behavior of long headings, change Indent at to a larger value, as shown below.
We have been able to execute the whole of your indent except the Pepper, the parcel having been sold.
除胡椒无货不能采购外, 贵公司所订购的其它商品, 均可购入。
As your counteroffer is beyond what is acceptable to us, we cannot help but return to you Indent No. 443.
The treatment of the management of taxation behavior of indent buying is in coincidence with the law of revenue.