in Jewish folklore,an artificially created human being supernaturally endowed with life
Israel has had the fortune to attract many Jewish scientists from the Western countries.
MD You were born in India to a Jewish Family, you are English now, and you are Buddhist.
But most of France's Jewish families came two or three generations ago from North Africa.
然而, 多数法国犹太家庭是在两到三代之前从北非来的。
In fact, during that time, Jewish people and Samaritans did not associate with each other.
Relations between the Jewish and nonJewish inhabitants of Caesarea were always acrimonious.
Two centuries later, courtesy of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, bagels hit American shores.
I was looking for somebody who was Jewish, because that's what I am and that was important to me.
我要找 犹太人 因为我本身也是 这点很重要
Most of what we call apocalypses comes from either an ancient Jewish or ancient Christian milieu.
我们所说的启示书, 大部分来自, 古犹太或古基督文化。
To encourage Jewish believers undergoing persecution and seeking to abandon their faith in Christ.
Then it discusses the Americans dreams of different contemporary Jewish classes in American Pastoral.
One day toward the end of the convention, I found out that one of the kids I had befriended was Jewish.
大会临近结束的某天,我发现我的某个朋友 是犹太人。
The first step was on the day of Pentecost, when the Jewish believers were baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him.
Sivan is the third month of the sacred festival year, and the ninth month of the modern Jewish Calendar year.
a large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering
A large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering.
Had the school building not been closed for the Jewish Sabbath, there likely would have been many more casualties.
So Jewish scripture itself gave Jews of Paul's day the idea that the apocalyptic end would bring all the nations in.
A billion or more Muslims want America to boot Israel out of the West Bank, if not dismantle the Jewish state altogether.
an initiation ceremony marking the 12th birthday of a Jewish girl and signifying the beginning of religious responsibility.
On the Mutual Aid of the Eastern European Jewish Immigrants Groups in the United States at the Turn of to the Twentieth Century
On the Mutual Aid of the Eastern European Jewish Immigrants Groups in the United States at the Turn of to the Twentieth Century.
In his preteens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to criticize his assimilated family for eating pork, which is forbidden in the conservative Jewish religion.
As the signs of growing fascism are hinted at in the idyllic pre-war scenes of a pleasant Italian life, Benigni as a Jewish bookseller keeps making light of the troubling signs to his son.