单词 jerk 例句大全,用单词jerk造句:

Talking about charming people, that Todd at work is such a jerk.
I was going to say that I'm sorry you have such a jerk for a dad.
Right now, Im guessing most of you think Im just an arrogant jerk.
请不要总是那么单纯, 那么嚣张!你真的当我会求饶吗?
The two kinds are snatch and clean and jerk. Its easy to remember.
Analysis on the Insufficient Strength of Waist in One Bent Leg Jerk
Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage in Singapore.
I felt a jerk on my sleeve, then realized it was just a tree branch.
You mustn't jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button.
They sat around the campfire eating jerk beef and talking about their day.
The train stopped with a violent jerk, nearly tipping him out of his bunk.
You jerk me around on this, and I'm going to get cranky right in your face.
The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk.
刀被卡在砧板上了, 但她猛的一下就把它拔了出来。
Jerk the front chuck open , loose the rear chuck and then take out the pipe.
然后撞开前卡盘, 再松开后卡盘, 取出管子。
Using jerk and slipping work as evaluation indexes, the test data was analyzed.
以冲击度和滑摩功为评价指标, 对试验结果进行了分析。
I pulled the cord, and I felt a strong jerk. The falling man clutched the rope.
拉住绳索, 我强烈的恐惧。正在降落的人紧紧地抓住了绳子。
Simple reflexes include sucking, swallowing, Blinking, scratching, and the knee jerk.
The Lord of White Harbor tried to jerk away, but the tabletop pinned him to his chair.
The fruit seller ask one of the teenage to chase over the jerk who has stole his guava.
In the crowded ass subway you’re just gonna squat there and play video games? What a jerk!!
How could I be such a criminal jerk as to proceed this deep into a marriage, only to leave it?
我怎么如此浑蛋, 深入婚姻, 却又决定放弃?
Some jerk cut me off today and came so close to hitting me. I had to slam on my breaks #ROADRAGE
His body did not even jerk when the shots hit him, the tortured breathing continued without a pause.
它中枪时身子并不震动, 痛苦的喘息仍继续不断。
His tail had long age been lost, leaving only the smallest, which he would constantly jerk and twitch.
它的尾巴早已掉了, 仅剩下短短的根部, 经常痉挛, 抽搐。
His tail had long been lost, leaving only the smallest stub, which he would constantly jerk and twitch.
它的尾巴早就没有了, 只剩下一点根部, 还不停地抽搐。
The Cognition and Comparison of Squatting Downwards, Lifting up wards and Arrow Pace Lifting The Study of Comparing Female Split Jerk with Drop Jerk In Dynamics

单词 jerk 释义

  • 单词释义:猛拉;把(牛肉)切成薄片晒干  [更多..]



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