单词 joy 例句大全,用单词joy造句:

Achievement is a time for looking back with pride, for looking ahead with joy.
成就即意味着可以自豪地回首往事, 喜悦地展望未来。
It's a time of excitement, a time of joy, a time to show love in special ways.
But two person of each one forgets in a moment, addition has sought the new joy.
而转眼间两人就各自相忘, 另寻了新欢。
He later gave a whoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd.
A patient man shall bear for a time, and afterwards joy shall be restored to him.
These he would afterwards recount from memory, to the great joy of the villagers.
There were other periods of great joy and a sense of huge achievement in her life.
ANNOUNCER Joy infuses the breast of the intrepid adventurer. At last, he is saved!
勇敢的冒险者的心中充满喜悦, 最终他获救了!
Therefore, although we are not the absolute joy, actually not as for absolute pain.
因此, 我们虽不是绝对的快乐, 却也不至于绝对的痛苦。
You have filled my heart with greater joy than when their grain and new wine abound.
你使我心里快乐, 胜过那丰收五谷新酒的人。
The aggregate of will and strength which cause lives'generation and development's joy.
As the acuteness of this remorse began to die away, it was succeeded by a sense of joy.
Claim your creation, dominion, abundance and joy because they are yours by divine right.
Proceeds from the sale will go to the charity City of Joy Aid, which helps India's poor.
Joy and Sorrow In our life, joy and sorrow are like shadows that follow and accompany us.
Life is the combination of joy and sorrow, success and failure and giving and acquisition.
Tatu accommodate, let the broken but many troubles disabled, smiles, and a boundless joy rim.
大肚能容, 断却许多烦恼障, 笑容可掬, 结成无量欢喜缘。
The act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another.
The bottom line that God promises to you this Christmas Eve is joy. Now, here is how to remember joy.
The Doctrine of the Mean and the Conflicts and Acculturation in The Woman Warrior and The Joy Luck Club
He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards.
But I think that Eileen expresses best what we really get out of this, which is the actual joy of collaboration.
我想爱琳说出了 我们的想法 我们享受这样的合作
Many critics admire his unique writing technique, which is the balance of grief and joy that interlace with each other.
Affricate A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative for example, the initial sounds of child and joy.
But when we have learned how to listen to trees, then the brevity and the quickness and the childlike hastiness of our thoughts achieve an incomparable joy.
只要我们不去听它们说话, 它们就比我们更有智慧。

单词 joy 释义

  • 单词释义:高兴;令人高兴的人/事;成功  [更多..]



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