单词 leeway 例句大全,用单词leeway造句:

The parking space was big enough, but there wasn't much leeway, ie margin for error.
He just could not make up the leeway from the earlier stages in which Ryan scored well.
Full operating equipment almost no let person test or to adopt new technology of leeway.
One, back off and give kids some credit and some leeway to demonstrate their competence.
It is not a matter of principle, so don't say too absolutely and leave some leeway for yourself.
又不是原则上的事, 别把话说得太决绝了, 要留有余地。
The fact that the dollar is the key reserve currency of the world gives the US even more leeway.
而美元又是世界主要储蓄货币, 这给美国以更多的余地。
Their American counterparts may have had more leeway to question authority and speak their minds.
他们的美国同事则更多地向权威发问, 表达自己的想法。
As a result of the Paris Commune, put in the organism of leeway without bureaucratism just about.
The name is very affirmatory, without mutation, without the leeway of choice or metabolic pattern.
Gold rallies in tandem with higher oil , weaker dollar also gives precious metal leeway for gains.
油价回涨, 美元回软, 伊朗因素推高金价。
As it doesn't concern principles, you should leave some leeway and shouldn't have said those determined words.
Make sure you understand and agree with who is responsible for what and how much decisionmaking leeway you have.
Neither reverting force not absorbing force is found in the results of calculations under leeway moving situation.
Doorcase is very low, see bake or dry by the heat of a fire into the door, in house not black, but so narrow that do not have the leeway that answers a body.

单词 leeway 释义

  • 单词释义:(航行由于强风所致的)偏航;余地;时间损失,落后;风压差,风压角  [更多..]



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