单词 lasting 例句大全,用单词lasting造句:

The approximate sixweek period lasting from childbirth to the return of normal uterine size.
But, just as significant and lasting in its impact was the Polish Resistance Revolt of 1942.
Then, wool pulls wag one's headingly cook up a few, already inane, lack lasting appeal again.
The average lasting effect these permanent hair removal methods is from two months to a year.
Accept my sincere thanks for your kind instruction, which has left a lasting impression on me.
In addition,15 to20 persons are received each month on transit visits lasting up to three days.
This product works quickly and long lasting with aromatic smell and can be applied comfortably.
本品起效快, 作用持久, 气味芬香, 贴敷舒适。
It is true that events lasting only a moment may achieve more than courtships which last a year.
The priesthood is theirs by a lasting ordinance. In this way you shall ordain Aaron and his sons.
Though we fail our wager, since then we have been aware that the future is lasting and perpetual.
In the absence of that, it is not possible to find a lasting power upon injustice and lawlessness.
缺少这些, 不公正和无法治的权力不可能持久。
Application of the high viscosity and long lasting effect anaesthetic on sacral epidural anesthesia
Conventional study furniture cooperates to be decorated compactly, can reflect a lasting appeal more.
Attempts to establish a ceasefire and stabilize the security situation did not achieve lasting results.
The ascending flowers are more vibrant in color than ever, and healthier lasting longer than at prior times.
The irregular change of light and shadow, can make indoor plentiful artistic lasting appeal and life interest.
The international community is currently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting peace and common prosperity.
And compulsion settlement of exchange system's cancellation flows out to the foreign exchange has lasting achievements.
In the modern campus, this leaf boat sublimes the classic lasting appeal of university campus. The principal told me, Mr.
A provisional application for patent has a pendency lasting 12 months from the date the provisional application is filed.
Let me congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and extend all best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
This bread is to be set out before the Lord regularly, Sabbath after Sabbath, on behalf of the Israelites, as a lasting covenant.
Condoleezza Rice, Americas secretary of state, said that the previous arrangement should not be the basis for a lasting ceasefire.
Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.
恭贺新禧, 祝身体健康, 事业发达。
The project of vital and lasting importance is to breed the young generation well. Family prosperity relies on educating the young from childhood. My specific suggestions are

单词 lasting 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.持久的,永久的,永恒的,耐久的n.厚实斜纹织物(作鞋帮等用)  [更多..]



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