单词 landlady 例句大全,用单词landlady造句:

Your landlady may have good reason to ask you to move or even to sue to evict you.
The landlady pricked up her ears at this, and Partridge looked a little confounded.
There is a cellar under the building. The landlady hid all the smuggled goods there.
Martha Hudson Im the landlady of the house at 221B Baker Street, not the housekeeper.
贝克街221座的女房东, 不是管家来的。
My landlady's threatening to evict me if I don't pay the rent by the end of the week.
I would not, if I were you, be inclined to discuss private business with the landlady.
A tramp knocks on the door of an inn known as St, George and the Dragon, The landlady answers.
When the landlady knew what had happened, she showed deep sympathy for him and decided to do him a good favour.
Weeks later, a check arrived from Dubai for the landlady and a letter for Zoe, obviously written by a professional letter writer.
In the manner of footballers in bygone years, he still lives with the club landlady, Noreen, together with the Spanish midfielder Cesc Fabregas.
以以往球员的观点, 森德罗斯和法布雷加斯一样还是个孩子。

单词 landlady 释义

  • 单词释义:女房东;女地主;(旅店或寄宿舍的)女店主  [更多..]



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