单词 lavatory 例句大全,用单词lavatory造句:

Even if it means that the visitor has to leave the bottles behind in an airport lavatory.
It was the middle of the morning, and Winston had left the cubicle to go to the lavatory.
一天上午, 温斯顿离开办公间, 到厕所里去。
Observation on the Efficacy of Three Squares Septic Tank Lavatory for Diseases Prevention
Aircraft ground support equipment Specific requirements Part 13 lavatory service equipment.
I was so angry at what I overheard in the lavatory that I burst in and demanded an apology.
In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC , or loo
在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为
Virescent the vitreous lavatory that grinds arenaceous translucence, look at clean, refined.
Adjust the hinge to get the dimension C clearance between the lavatory door and the door frame.
Biological Treatment of Wastewater Mixed with Seawater for Lavatory Flushing at Low Temperature
Choose another here main reason to take it seriously namely go to the lavatory and comfortable.
The family had no running hot water in the house, for example, no bathroom, and no indoor lavatory.
Two urinal in poopdeck common lavatory damaged, not flow and upper position leaked, to be repaired.
A blockage in the lavatory or the galley drain is possible if unwanted materials get in the system.
Additional, if go to the lavatory, had better be to consult the data of respect of a few closestool.
Corrupt garment basket had better be put in northwest square, and lavatory basin but park is southern.
污衣篮则最好放在西北方, 而厕盆可置于南方。
Speed archives, handles two archives place Qian Jin recession going to the lavatory extremely, durable.
Whether let channel shorten, go to the lavatory already so management, also reduce profit billabong
This is main because inside outfit container is far, be inferior to going to the lavatory in Hong Kong.
He made a few more jerky movements up and down, several times, casting a longing glance at the lavatory pan.
他又来回做了几个神经质的动作, 好几次眼巴巴地看着便盆。
Entire the maintenance closing dyadic machinery structure, operation safety, being maintained goes to the lavatory.
全封闭机械式结构, 操作安全, 维护保养方便面。
Generally speaking, of straight strong pattern sit lavatory somes the noise of strong water is big and turn over flavour easily.
Recruit small the Qin Dynasty is gotten by the ascites agitate of skinful drowsiness is broken suddenly, the shoe that satisfy Ta entered a lavatory.
新兵小秦被一肚子的腹水搅得睡意顿失, 遂趿鞋进了厕所。

单词 lavatory 释义

  • 单词释义:厕所;盥洗室;<宗>洗礼盆  [更多..]



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