单词 nuclear 例句大全,用单词nuclear造句:

Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency transferred the nuclear power plant within20 km radius of500 residents.
Application of stopping and chopping method combined with manual nuclear extraction in hard nuclear cataract
Target Experiment, Radioactive Wastes Transmutation and Incineration of Nuclear Reactor Driven by Accelerator
Adherence to internationally accepted standards of nuclear safety was a key factor for successful development.
Appropriate guest nuclear fuel the factory is manufacturer of component of our country exclusive nuclear fuel.
Nuclear Conceptual Design of Spent Fuel Pool Reactor Loaded With Spent Fuels of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station
Research on Method of Abnormal Operation Procedure of Operation Support System for the Marine Nuclear Power Plant
The method of oil bearing abundance in cuttings measured by mud logging technology of nuclear magnetic resonance.
Nuclear energy. Nuclear ventilation installations. Method of control of the scrubbing coefficient of iodine trap.
Those who are willing to detonate nuclear weaponry or create nuclear weaponry in present time in another example.
The highest priority should continue to be the total elimination of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosives.
Third, consolidate the international nuclear nonproliferation regime and prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons.
第三, 巩固国际核不扩散机制, 防止核武器扩散。
The destruction of nuclear warheads of tactical missiles, artillery shells and nuclear mines is nearing completion.
The Nuclear Suppliers Group grants India a waiver to carry out civilian nuclear commerce with the rest of the world.
The New Agenda Coalition remains totally opposed to nuclear weapon test explosions and all other nuclear explosions.
The nuclear change of tobacco transformed with chromatin of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the expression of nuclear gene
Characteristics of Coastal Engineering for Nuclear Power Plants and Practice in Designing of Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant
Countries that have not yet done so should accede to the Treaty on the NonProliferation of Nuclear Weapons at an early date.
Nuclear disarmament and the total elimination of nuclear weapons are essential in order to avert the danger of a nuclear war.
See nuclear fission nuclear fusion. The splitting of heavy atomic nuclei to release energy in the form of heat and radioactivity.
重原子核分裂, 能量以热能和放射能的形式释放出来。
Any nuclear disarmament policy, in order to be reliable, must involve abandonment of the policy of deterrence and the doctrine of force.
The complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons must be realized and thus establishing a world free of nuclear weapons.
必须全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器, 实现无核世界。
It has developed a Master of Science educational programme in nuclear security and a curriculum for certification courses in nuclear security.
The call for the provision of negative security assurances also emanates from the commitments that the nuclear States themselves have accepted.
The endosperm development follows the nuclear type. The endosperm cells form at the micropylar end, and remain free nuclear phase at chalazal end.
胚乳发育为核型, 珠孔端胚乳细胞化, 合点端保持游离核状态。

单词 nuclear 释义

  • 单词释义:原子核的,原子能的;[细胞]细胞核的  [更多..]



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