According to national compulsory military service, serving in the army is obligatory for males who are over 18.
The payment of duty on inbound or outbound articles shall be made by the obligatory duty payer prior to their release.
With respect to the obligatory rights specified in the preceding paragraph, that arising later shall be satisfied first.
article 22 samples required for commodity inspection may be taken , by sampling , or provided by the obligatory inspection applicant.
第22条检验所需之样品, 得向报验义务人抽取之。
The change that occurs in the obligatory properties are, therefore, very important to the realization of the rights of the creditor.
Being noninflammable is an obligatory criteria for furniture in general and for mattresses in particular in many nations all over the world.
According to it, whether must appear in the structure of sentence structure divide into obligatory semantic role and optional semantic role.