单词 oblivious 例句大全,用单词oblivious造句:

I was concentrating so hard on my work that I was oblivious to the conversations around me.
我太专注于工作了, 都没有注意周围的谈话。
He ignored the disfigurement that was happening in his life and carried on oblivious to it.
他忽略发生在他脸上的毁容 他忘却疾病,继续生活。
The result discovers uncannily, MorpheusCan make oblivious career is decelerated significantly.
Phyllis plays a reporter who rushes to the scene, oblivious that her boyfriend Edmund is in there.
This allows service users to be oblivious to the technical details of the services implementation.
因此, 服务的用户不必担心服务实现的技术细节。
Warren was oblivious to the yelling and fighting in the apartment next door, and continued reading his book.
沃伦对公寓内邻居的叫喊与吵闹浑然不觉, 继续读他的书。
Another dozen of scrolls were still slumbering in the ebony box in dream, oblivious to light for untold years.
I felt relaxed on the scene of the army exercises, happily oblivious to the heavily guarded military facilities around.
And the worst are, as ever, full of passionate intensity, oblivious to the grotesque failure of their doctrine in practice.
下焉者充满激情, 却无视教条主义在实践中的巨大失败。

单词 oblivious 释义

  • 单词释义:忘却的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的  [更多..]



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