单词 notify 例句大全,用单词notify造句:

And notify the consignees of the used mechanical and electrical products of such opinions.
If a defect appears or damage occurs, the employer shall notify the contractor accordingly.
A proposed prospector shall notify the Authority of its intention to engage in prospecting.
Seller goods available, contact and notify the buyer shipping freight forwarding arrangements.
卖方货备妥后, 联系货代安排发运并通知买方。
Finally, photocopy your card, and if it is stolen, notify the credit card company immediately.
As soon as a decision is made, the Colombian government will notify the Venezuelan government.
Review and correct schematic diagrams and notify the Technical Department of any changes made.
However, the assignee should notify the debtor of his newly acquired rights as soon as possible.
Reminder of the obligation to notify flag States when exercising control and compliance measures
I should be very grateful if you could notify me of your decisions at your earliest convenience.
如能早日告知你的决定, 我不胜感激。
The licensor shall immediately notify the licensee in writing of such assignment to its affiliate.
若许可方向其关联公司授让本合同, 应立即通知被许可方。
The Commissioner Office shall notify the journalists concerned once the applications are approved.
如采访申请得到批准, 我署将及时通知有关记者。
The licensee shall notify the Authority of the charge made by him from time to time to subscribers.
The Purchaser shall without undue delay notify the Contractor In Writing of any defect which appears.
一旦有任何瑕疵出现, 买方应立即书面通知承包方。
The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty.
After Financial Department submit to Operations Director for approval, notify individual for reimburse.
财务部报运营经理批准后, 通知个人结帐。
Notify us in order that you deliver again after contacting the customer service and remittance voluntarily
Notify anyone who might have checked out the project to which the deleted item belongs that you have deleted it.
通知可能签出了项目的任何人, 您已将该项删除。
An executing organ shall take a criminal into custody without delay and notify the family members of the criminal.
In the case of dangerous goods, the seller shall fax to notify the buyer of the nature and the method of handling them.
如货物系属危险品, 卖方应将其性质及处理办法电告买方。
The Contractor shall notify the subcontractor of the delegated duties and authority of this contractor's representative.
Any member to this Convention may drop out of this Convention and shall notify the executive body of this Convention of this.
If there is any inconsistency, the Applicant shall notify the Bank to investigate within 45 days after finishing the employment.
如有不符, 应于使用完成日后四十五日内通知贵行查明。
if the said goods are unable to be ascertained, the customs shall immediately notify the intellectual property right holder in writing.
Where the Patent Administration Department under the State Council corrects mistakes on its own initiative, it shall notify the applicant.

单词 notify 释义



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