单词 novate 例句大全,用单词novate造句:

Strictly abide to the standard , innovate the culture and enhance the core competitive advantage of the enterprise.
严守标准, 文化创新, 不断提升企业核心竞争力。
The ability to innovate and operate independently.
有创新能力, 并能独立工作。
On Enhancing the Ability to Innovate the Music of Shaoxing Opera
With greater knowledge transfer comes a greater ability to innovate.
In these shifting conditions, opportunities to innovate will abound.
在这个转型时期, 充满了创新的机遇。
This medicine can absorb the hyperplastic bony spur, renovate the injured meniscus and cure synovitis.
We can accept failure since we are ready to innovate.
我们容忍失败, 因为我们乐见创新。
The school master has accepted proposals to renovate the old schoolhouses.
Buy or sell property, renovate, do repairs, reorganize closets, or simply buy new accessories and linens.
Accounting hypothesis should adjust and innovate in order to adapt to these changes.
为了适应这种变化, 会计假设也需要不断地做出修正与创新。
Beijing Olympic Games already became the puissant activator that technology of our country new media innovates.
Third, we worked actively to renovate and upgrade traditional industries.
The editorial actors must innovate continuously so as to seek survival and development.
Inherit And Innovate the Future of AD Photography.
Adapt the developing situation of business and innovate the propaganda and educational work of union
However, considerable additional funding will be required to renovate all the courthouses in the country.
但是, 将需要大量额外资金, 对利比里亚的所有法院进行修缮。
Since established, We never stop to innovate technology and optimize administration.
从创办之日起, 不断改进技术, 强化管理。
Innovate and Improve the Organization Activities of CPC of Administration Sector in Colleges and Universities
Advance with time, exploit and innovate, do a solid job for department party construction
The ideological and political work must follow in order and advance step by step and innovate completely
To Reform and Innovate, to Open up and Develop, to Strengthen Management and Advanced along with the Times
Innovate is not only a determinant of wealth, it is also the basis of competitive advantage.
The driving force of the development of company ought to continuously innovate and widely advertise for expert in art casting.
New Techniques Innovate the Surviving Model of Advertising Photography.
After the some time, newspaper advertisement should innovate to some extent, keep appeal of brand its.
一段时间后, 报纸广告应该有所创新, 保持其品牌的吸引力。

单词 novate 释义

  • 单词释义:v.用新事物代替,契约的代替(更新)  [更多..]



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