单词 noose 例句大全,用单词noose造句:

I'm starting to think that a tie Is basically just a fancy noose.
我开始怀疑 领带根本就是个好看的绞索。
She throws him the noose to him instructions about how to use it.
她丢给他绳子, 又好像在示范他该如何使用。
A long, elegant neck hugged by a noose, blond hair falling in waves.
一个长久又优雅的拥抱, 金色的发被风吹起。
Official video of the hanging shows Barzan being beheaded by the noose.
to fasten or catch temporarily with or as if with a loop, hook, or noose
用或似用绳套, 钩子或绞索暂时钩住或套住
I slip closer to my goal, and the noose slips tighter around Cyruss neck.
我离自己的目标越来越近了, 丧钟即将为塞勒斯而鸣。
To fasten or catch temporarily with or as if with a loop, hook, or noose.
But I don't see why I should put my head in a noose to conceal his affair.
但我不明白我为什么要自讨苦吃, 去帮他隐瞒他的风流韵事。
The insides were stark a trapdoor, a Buddha statue and a ring for the noose.
On Application of Regular Polyhedron Law in Simulation Standard Flood Noose Curve
than a garment that at one end is a noose and the other end points to the genitals?
Federal prosecuters say they are actively investigating several news noose incidents for possible prosecution.

单词 noose 释义

  • 单词释义:套索;束缚;绞刑  [更多..]



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