They have all numerously bans to this plan.
Defending dyeing the means numerously of tie dyeing.
England numerously for land in France and ended up winning and losing.
英国为了争地, 在法国打了很多仗, 结果有赢有输。
Here numerously develops extremely rapidly, attracted themultitudinous foreign merchant to come here to invest.
这里济济发展十分迅速, 吸引了众多的外商来这里投资。
In has in numerously the working condition factory, but must appraise earnestly, orders according to qualification.
在众多有生产条件的厂家中, 还要认真评审, 择优定货。
I step on this slip board fleeing back and forth in crowd, people appreciates numerously and confusedly, my coy doctrine Learn in fact very easyly!