To be silent about the Savior and His salvation is a dreadful sin of omission.
while not as pure as it constitutes a crime only by way of omission constituted.
Omission, off side and three big problems of misplacing etc, government of role.
Actually, omission does not exist as an active physical activity like the action.
Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods, his agent or representative.
But, omission could be potentially dangerous, especially alkali chemical keratitis.
The Analysis of the Irregularity and Danger of the Administrative License of Omission
The sixth part The objective and subjective elements of the impure crime of omission.
Ellipsis is mainly translated by means of keeping the original, adding. omission, etc.
英汉互译时, 要通过保留, 增删等手段在译文中实现有效转换。
That ability to express by omission holds a central place in Jobss management philosophy.
To give the measure of this omission, it is enough to think just of the educational system.
I acknowledge that untruthful or omission answers are cause for immediate dismissal if employed.
如有与事实不符或有隐瞒, 我将接受酒店立即解雇的处理。
Judging Defects of Legislation Exist in Malfeasance Crime from Judge Taking Attitude of Omission
I acknowledge that untruthful or omission answers are caused for immediate dismissal if employed.
如有与事实不符之处, 我愿意接受酒店立即解雇的处理。
Elementary study on Errors and Omission of Cloud Form Records in Ground Meteorological Observation
Part one This part analyzes the conception, constitution and patterns of joint crime with omission.
第一部分分析不作为共同犯罪的概念, 成立条件和类型。
Any falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.
Finally, except conduction, the omission also constitute the crime of bending the law for selfish ends.
At this point, however, I wish to point out a typographical omission in the title of the draft resolution.
We agree that the Organiser bear no responsibility for any error or omission in relation to the information.
本公司同意, 主办机构毋须负责任何有关该等资料的错漏。
The resolution and conflict of untypical crime of omission and the doctrine of legally prescribed punishment
Any material falsification or omission of information may result in the Commissioner's refusal to give approval.
The Insurer shall be entitled to verify the contents of the declarations, and in cases of any omission, the Insured shall rectify it by filing the omitted declaration or declarations.