单词 omen 例句大全,用单词omen造句:

Though I felt a little disappointed after waking up, I thought it a good omen.
What is chronic leukaemia? What is there specific symptom and body unwell omen?
The third one is dream omen, which is coincidental with the earlier dream world.
三是梦兆, 即与事实巧合的早期梦境。
Some people had taken rising bond spreads as an omen of default and euro breakup.
And they even protected massive virgin forests with the reason of geomantic omen.
It is thus clear that the omen arrived just some little and not and satisfactorily.
The sea hasnt been this calm for a long time. A good omen, I think, she said to him.
Ever since the 3 rd dynasty drinking it while eating bread was considered a good omen.
Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.
Omen of Clarity This spell is no longer castable in Tree of Life Form or Moonkin Form.
The darkness holds no terror for me, demon! I curse you now under the Sign of Ill Omen!
黑暗吓不倒我, 恶魔!现在, 我以凶兆符记诅咒你!
Just like the winter auspicious snow, has no time pure white, glad omen good harvest year.
宛如冬的瑞雪, 洁白无暇, 喜兆丰年。
Assistant Director Yang said that above symptom is the acute cardiac arrest's omen generally.
The position of the planets today is a delightful omen for a first date with someone special.
It has long been regarded as an ideal place with a good geomantic omen by the geomancy experts.
This is that geomantic omen is efficacious two, this that time creates outstanding personality ?
这是风水灵验, 这是时造人杰?
Feel gastric ministry has the ache of nugget appearance, the omen that what disease is then excuse me?
Deconstruction of the Geomantic Omen Imago of Langzhong of Sichuan and the Significance of Its Planning
Noannoan is wrinkly wrinkly nostril, black living not known of omen, these 2 people, and then start.
The geomantic omen doctrine was very current in North Song dynasty and had much influence on the mausoleum system then.
This not only is a big drop for just one day, which would, in and of itself, be a bullish omen, according to contrarian analysis.
在逆势分析家看来, 这种情绪的变化是一个看涨的预兆。
The socalled imperial examination omen is the superstitious beliefs that could indicate signs of imperial examination information.

单词 omen 释义

  • 单词释义:前兆;征兆;预兆;兆头  [更多..]



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