Will this have any effect on my odds of upgrading when I put it on the anvil
这会否有任何提升, 当我把砧是我的几率影响?
Lamarchism is completely at odds with the central dogma of molecular biology.
According to Cannon, Chelsea are habitually paying over the odds for players.
An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.
The odds are in the favor of the estate developer than arch in the land auction.
在土地拍卖中, 该地产发展商成功投得的机会较主要对手高。
Pompompurin's house is full odds and ends. A bulgy odl bag hangs on the ceiling.
Certain personality disorders also raise the odds of drug abuse and alcohol abuse.
The starting price, ie odds offered by a bookmaker on a race just before it starts
The stock halved in value and analysts were calculating the odds on AIG's survival.
The starting price, ie odds offered by a bookmaker on a race just before it starts.
This direct approach is far healthier than acting like a martyr or shouting the odds.
The shorter the ocular axial lengths is, the more odds of lens capsule abnormalities is.
We have put in a bid of a government contract, but there are long odds on our getting it.
我们已投标以求与政府签订合同, 但成功得可能性极小。
How will we address memories and beliefs that are at odds with the vision of Christ Michael?
Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your favor.
A President should not spend political capital unless he can calculate high odds for success.
一位总统决不应轻易消耗政治资本, 除非确有把握成功。
I'm simply stating that the odds of Mr. Solis being, the biological father are, Listen, nursie.
我只是陈述索利斯先生作为 生父的可能性是,听着,小护士。
What should a prospective buyer or breeder do to increase their odds of avoiding genetic problems
Old Farmers Almanac www. Almanac. Com Various odds and ends including a galaxy of astronomical resources.
She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps.
她没有孩子, 是一个寡妇, 靠在附近捡零碎的破烂儿勉强过活。
My inquisitive is How many does the odds that fluid of excessive of tit courage and uprightness is breast cancer have
The odds against this sentence having ever being typed, much less the odds against you reading it were inconceivable.
Analysis on the Influential Factors for the Quality of Life of Patients with Gastric Carcinoma by Cumulative Odds Logistic Regression
Perhaps, evolutionarily, this has given humans a sort of stereo smelling that could have boosted the odds of finding food or sniffing out enemies.
A huge architecture is built up by a single brick and tile. Why don't we bother to become the single brick and tile? I occasionally do some odds and ends just for this purpose.