单词 office 例句大全,用单词office造句:

Ministry of National Defense General Staff Headquarter Comptroller Office Comptroller Office, GSHs, MND
Proficiency in commonly used office software to edit business documents and office automation equipment.
Office of build Sancha reservations, withdrawal state Department contractor, based Police at the Office.
三岔厅建置保留, 撤州判署, 设警察分厅。
The delegation team pictured with officials from the Geneva Office, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office.
And Human Resources Office will inform Finance Office to calculate the unpaid salary for the leaving staff.
EON Office Products Independent office products dealer, includes products and services, and design options.
In order to inquire Furniture or Office equipment articles, please contact OFFICE DEPOT INTERNATIONAL GMBH.
的业绩不仅在于广泛的服务, 还包括办公室设备物品业务。
In order to control the absolute humidity, they bought a piece of special equipment for the archives office.
The director of the office asked Xiaowang to send a photocopy of the mayor's speech to the newspaper office.
A fabulously wealthy court eunuch of Chinas Ming dynasty, Liu Jin abused his office to amass a great fortune.
Answer incoming telephone calls and either transfer, redirect or take a message for Front Office back office.
Out of Office Assistant that automatically sends a reply to incoming messages while you are out of the office.
Thou shalt anoint Aaron and his sons, and shalt sanctify them, that they may do the office of priesthood unto me.
Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money, transfer company.
其次,政府应该要取消 邮局和特定業者的垄断合作。
Case of Crime of Irregularities for Favoritism so as to Gain Drawback and Crime of Abusing the Office by Song Xinsheng
宋新生徇私舞弊出口退税, 滥用职权案
The district attorneys office credited the Los Angeles police and coroners office for building the case against Murray.
And no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.
在合众国政府供职的人, 不得在其任职期间担任国会议员。
The presidential term of office is 7 years, and the parliamentary term of elected office is 6 years. Suffrage is universal over 18.
总统任期7年, 选举出的国会期限是6年。
Air Supply Plans Comparison of Centralized Fresh Air Handling and Floor by Floor Air Handling in the AC Engineering of Office Building or Hotel
Financial and Central Administrative Services Department Statistical Policy Division of the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office
The term of office of members of the Executive Council shall not extend beyond the expiry of the term of office of the Chief Executive who appoints them.
Ministry of National defense Executive Office of the Minister General Affairs Management Division General Affairs Management Division, Administration Office, MND
Management Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications Electronics and Information Management Division, Office of the Deputy CGS for Communications, Electronics and Information
Policy development Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications Electronics and Information Policy development Division, Office of the Deputy CGS for Communications, Electronics and Information
Planning Division Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information Planning Division, Office of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff for Communications, Electronics and Information

单词 office 释义

  • 单词释义:办公室;办公楼;问询处;重要官职  [更多..]



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