单词 officer 例句大全,用单词officer造句:

He had advertised in advance as the most sympathetic and genial officer in a division command.
The officer ordered the soldiers to push their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
军官命令士兵冒着敌人猛烈炮火的袭击, 奋力向前挺进。
The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward in spite of heavy enemy gunfire.
The actual manager of the official capital money was the subordinate under the executive officer.
至于本钱的实际经营者, 则是判官之下的属吏或属司。
Ride chief executive officer's adult and sorcery evil spirit of motor car hurricane to also know.
Stop making waves and admit your ran the red light. It is useless to argue with the police officer.
Paramedic Firefighters were assigned responsibilities as Triage Officer and Transportation Officer.
He may issue a warrant authorizing any authorized officer or police officer to enter such premises.
a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army
An authorized officer may, in accordance with the provisions of this Part, detain any seized property.
Article 28 A commodity price surveillance officer shall perform his duties in accordance with the law.
The chief officer shall not absent himself from his duties without the permission of the superintendent.
The Falkland Islands Government Environmental Planning Officer and Environmental Officer are both women.
Chief officer, this is the final bay plan, all of additional and restow containers have been showed inside.
The chief accounting officer of a company is the controller, or comptroller, as he or she is sometimes called.
As the chief administrative and technical officer of this Organization, I must accept personal responsibility.
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Chief Staff Officer, Civil Aid Service.
Resigning with Selfblaming, Officer Concerned Be Responsible for All His Doings, and Reform of Administrative Ways
引咎辞职, 问责制与治道变革
The Customs officer examines the merchandise. He determines whether the declared value is accurate for Customs purpose.
The Chief Administrative Officer and the Chief of the Finance Section are responsible for implementation of the recommendation.
Question If Bob is charged with a crime concerning the brawl, will Bobs statements to Officer Bouncer be admissible as evidence.
Over the summer, its chief executive officer resigned, and he was quickly followed out the door by the chief operating officer.
There is a link between political actors who are manipulating the military, said Vladimir Monteiro, the United Nations information officer in Bissau.
The police officer responsible for residence registration administration said he would come to his home to check their registered permanent residence.
Mr Mailers voice, always such a marked presence in his work, takes the form of a demon masquerading as an SS officer, acting on a compulsion to tell his story against the devils will.

单词 officer 释义

  • 单词释义:军官,警官;高级职员;公务员;船长  [更多..]



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