单词 onward 例句大全,用单词onward造句:

An extra copy of each document was supplied for onward transmission to head office.
The troops have pressed onward into the three provinces of the country's northeast.
From its foundation onward the company has been involved with charitable activities.
From that date onward, your luck will be excellent the best of 2010 for finding love!
自该日起, 你的运气将以卓越2010年最好的寻找爱!
The second eclipse,a solar eclipse, will open allof possibilities from July 21 onward.
Loneliness and apartness have characterized the American author, from Poe's day onward.
From these events onward came continuous allegations and reports of Mao being attacked.
The elderly man told the author stories about his life, from the Great Depression onward.
From that point onward we have been considering the first of those two groups of questions.
接着, 我们就开始讨论两类问题的第一类。
From that time onward numerous scientists devoted themselves to the study of radioactivity.
Rhythmic speech or writing is like waves of the sea, moving onward with alternating rise and fall.
有节奏的演讲和写作就像海里的水一样, 时高时低地向前进。
The onward march of the public sector may have some other unintended consequences in the private one.
This finding long suggested that wild waterfowl are not agents for the onward transmission of these viruses.
We paddled onward hour after hour, sheltering ourselves as best we could under the shadow of the southern bank.
我们不断地向前划, 同时尽量留在南岸的阴影里。
Entry permit labels are to be collected by the sponsors in Hong Kong for onward transmission to the applicants.
From late adolescence onward, males showed a greater increase in diastolic blood pressure with age than females.
从青春期晚期往后, 男性随年龄的舒张压增幅高于女性。
Ho! Interjection, used to express surprise or joy, to attract attention to something sighted, or to urge onward !
From the fifth year onward, the War of Resistance has in fact entered the final stage of the struggle for victory.
而第五年以后的抗战形势, 实处于争取胜利的最后阶段。
From this moment onward, throughout endless future lives, may this disciple be able to take refuge in Your Holiness in this way!
Then from about 1828 onward would come the black lines of the railways, and after that the little black dots would not simply creep but run.
Similar journeys can be arranged from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, Surat Thani, Trang or Hat Yai, with connections to Malaysian trains for onward journeys to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

单词 onward 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.向前的;adv.向前,在前面  [更多..]



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