单词 scholastic 例句大全,用单词scholastic造句:

Why was Scholastic philosophy the most influential school of elite thought in Medieval Europe?
A Tentative Discussion about the Conflicts between Scholastic Organizations and its Stimulation.
The inspiration of sport education mode to the reform of scholastic physical education curriculum
The investigation of applying computerized adaptive testing to the college scholastic aptitude test.
A commentary about the scholastic controversy of the early stage of development of quantum mechanics.
All the scholastic subtleties have neither added anything to nor subtracted the acuteness of this paradox.
这一矛盾之敏感, 所有经院式得微妙都无法增减半分。
Present Situation of Internet Media in Scholastic Sports Information Communication and its Countermeasure.
Thoughts about the development of scholastic physical education curriculum from the perspective of anthropology
In increase to the scholastic elegance that tests you primarily still reserve seeing your evaluating talk point.
除了考你的文采, 主要还是看你的分析论点。
According to scholastic research, clear acting furniture is versed in at using tenon, do not beg exterior adornment.
On the integration of family, scholastic and social physical education from the point of lifelong physical education
从终身体育角度看家庭, 学校和社会体育一体化
Probing into the significance of developing psychological expansion training in scholastic physical education teaching
Effects and inspirations of the progressive education movement on the development of US scholastic physical education.
Academic and scholastic ability is different from the abilities of learning ability and knowledge that the short title.
Scholastic Teams the Key of Subject ConstructionThe fourth part of probe on reform of undergraduate education and teaching
The Scholastic Crowds Who Studied the Historical Geography of Chinese Borderlands and Foreign Countries around the Opium War
Insufficiency or unbalanced configuration of sports ground have constrained the development of scholastic physical education.
The outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy securely supported by scholastic selection.
On the Relationship Between the Pressure of School Work Faced by Lower Secondary School Students and Their Scholastic Achievements.
attention should also be paid to rural scholastic physical education and full utilization of rural scholastic physical education resources.
重视农村学校体育, 充分利用农村学校体育资源。
The scholastic precursors have made a lot of amendments to these problems, and there are much more defects in the Eclectics Category of Zi Radical.

单词 scholastic 释义

  • 单词释义:学校的,教育上的;学术上的  [更多..]



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