单词 scythe 例句大全,用单词scythe造句:

Tom, just cut his arm with a scythe, tumbled on it in the hayfield.
汤姆,只是胳膊给割破了 在草田里摔在镰刀上了。
Francescas Book every 48 kills with Scythe Dante get additional exp.
She reached forward and she castrated him with one sweep of her scythe.
她慢慢靠近他, 用镰刀轻而易举地割下了他的生殖器。
The space created by the swing of a scythe or the cut of a mowing machine.
Weeks ago, we uncovered the Scythe of the Celt out near the Standing Stones.
几星期前, 我们在常设石头附近揭露了凯尔特人的大镰刀。
He mowed grass with wide sweeps of the scythe, raked it up and hung it on racks to dry.
他挥舞着镰刀割草, 耙拢来, 再晾在架子上晒
Ritualistic worshippers of Perkunas, these men enter the fray with a war scythe in hand.
佩尔孔纳卫队皆为狂热信徒, 用雪亮战镰在敌阵中收割生命。
Metzen I will say there are elements of the Scythe of Elune quest line that are not over.
The old man whetted his scythe so hard that a long shower of sparks flew out on the grass.
Fourth, someone must take a scythe to unnecessary public spending to get a grip on Government debt.
第四, 有人必须采取芟不必要的公共开支得到控制政府债务。
It also provides the rationale of her campaign. She says she wants to take a scythe to Californias businesshobbling regulations.

单词 scythe 释义

  • 单词释义:n.长柄镰刀,镰(古兵器);vt.用镰割  [更多..]



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