单词 scare 例句大全,用单词scare造句:

Busy Bees Kindergarten Courtesy Do Not Scare the Little Animals away!
It would scare the hell out of me to ride that bike as fast as he does.
We managed to scare up extra chairs for the unexpectedly large audience.
My love needs a doggie to protect him and scare them away with one bark.
They use their political allies to scare and mislead the American people.
Your job isn't to scare away the bad guys, it's to attract the good ones.
Bob still at the concert to prove that a gun man would not scare him off.
When deepfried chestnut a bit scary, but do not fear, is the scare Hello.
板栗炸的时候有点吓人, 不过别害怕, 是有惊无险的啰。
She just meant to scare the girl she assumes was sleeping with her father.
她只是吓唬她, 因为她和她的父亲搞外遇。
It's not a death ray. It's just a little ultrasonic blast to scare him off.
Local media are covering every aspect of the scare with a voracious appetite.
This is a fake video camera which you fix to your wall to scare off burglars.
这是一个假摄像机, 你放在墙上吓跑贼得。
Some of the films on television would scare out of adults as well as children.
There was a rabies scare in town. The doctor arrested the growth of the disease.
Scare compelled me to stay awake. Night was so long with the suns laggardly pace.
An alarm clock is something built with a mechanism to scare the daylight into you.
The MiG pilot erroneously assumed that the flak from the airfield would scare him off.
The celebration dates back to Celtic rituals where people tried to scare away spirits.
Numerous other countries are being subjected to the same kind of aggressive scare tactics.
The government, trying not to scare the public, is slow to make any decisions about the outbreak.
When he had a few in him, he would mumble and grumble and scare people off, but it didnt bother me.
他喝酒之后, 就会嘟嘟囔囔地吓跑别人, 但我不在乎。
Imperialism brandishes its atom bomb and hydrogen bomb to scare us and that doesnt frighten us either.
帝国主义拿来吓唬我们的原子弹和氢弹, 也没有什么可怕。
My biggest fear is some readers would place me so high on a pedestal that they are scare to approach me.
我最怕的是读者把我高高地供起, 而不敢来找我。
And her husband should have been interrupted to be told about an airplane scare that sent her hurrying for cover in an underground bunker.
They scare every French winemaker because the quality that goes into a $10 bottle of Australian wine is exactly the same quality that goes into the top of their line.

单词 scare 释义

  • 单词释义:惊吓;害怕;担忧  [更多..]



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