单词 scorching 例句大全,用单词scorching造句:

On the scorching summer day, he who is apt to sweat will perspire heavily.
Summer vacation's one day, scorching sun overhead, all appear that peaceful.
暑假的一天, 烈日当空, 一切显得那么安静。
She made a sudden visit to her husband hotel and scorching fuck is going on!
Whenever he slowed down, he could feel the scorching sun blistering his back.
Cool summer nights are more than just a heavensent oasis from the scorching day.
The product possess the best scorching quality of sulfonamide type accelerators.
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse, and the plants were beginning to wilt.
Though it is scorching outside, the farmers still work hard to cultivate the land.
Gentle breeze in summer, blow away scorching sun, but can't blow away our attaching.
He's wearing a hat has long break, but have relied block a scorching sun block rain.
So, I under the scorching sun, leaving the children fever is conducting home visits.
于是, 我顶着烈日, 丢下正感冒发烧的孩子进行家访。
Orange lets a hair besmear again as scorching on caramel is general, warm and enthusiastic.
Their work is the parade protested. In order to live scorching sun overhead all must embark.
It's rich of spicy and scorching fragrance with smell of pepper, very elegant andwhen tasted.
有辣椒香味, 口感优雅, 表现悠长而美丽的辛香和炙烤香味。
But still, there was no lack of hardy types who persisted in sunbathing in the scorching sun.
They are scorching the high school band with a flamethrower until they burn to death in Postal.
Summer, adults braving scorching sun hoeing, sweat, such as injection, Saxiang black Yo Yo land.
盛夏, 大人们顶着炎炎烈日锄地, 汗水如注, 洒向黑呦呦的土地。
up to 16 at a time, and carrying them from the scorching kilns to trucks hundreds of yards away.
每次叠上18块 然后搬运到离砖窑几百米远的卡车上
It is another scorching day in the Sakhir desert, with temperatures rising into the high thirties.
The scorching conditions also stunted the growth of smaller dwarf galaxies, the new research shows.
A study on the mechanism of the curing of Mooren ulcer of cornea through circular cutting and scorching
Thus, the products are easy to suffer from short molding, scorching, internal stress and other defects.
One concern is that studies with treadmills may not accurately reflect what happens outside on a scorching day.
A drenching shower sweeping away the scorching heat of summer, bringing about fresh coolness and glistening green of tress and grass.
酷热的夏天, 享受一场豪雨和随之而来的凉爽, 清新, 草木苍翠。

单词 scorching 释义

  • 单词释义:极热的,烧焦似的;苛刻的;尖酸刻薄的  [更多..]



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