单词 see 例句大全,用单词see造句:

You see my this letter would be to see you harm my most direct of offense certificate.
I find that extraordinary, not to be able to see light, not to be able to see darkness.
I didnt get to see dad much, and I dont know if Granny got to see him very often either.
我和爸爸见面不多, 也不知道奶奶是不是经常见他。
Politicians and newspaper commentators stare at the inkblots and see what they want to see.
I thought this was a trial separation, to see how we did apart, to see if we could be happy.
To see color from a distance, to see flowers close to them, color plays a role in head start.
Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.
以后看好自己的孩子, 看到那个混混就赶快把门给堵上。
You see under a microscope. You see in the upper left corner, you see a single predatory mite.
从显微镜下你可以看见, 在左上角有单只的掠食性螨。
Robinson knows we 'll see chimps back in orbit before we see a federal mandate for vacation time.
An optimist see an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist see a calamity in every opportunity.
A rightness of black shine eyes just curiously stare by the face of Zhuo Er, left see right to see.
一对黑亮的眼睛只是好奇地盯着卓尔的脸, 左看右看。
He was never to see his wife again, ie Although he did not know it at the time, he did not see her again.
For how can I bear to see disaster fall on my people? How can I bear to see the destruction of my family?
If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality.
If you see a catalog subheading , such as Marketing or Real estate, click it to see the templates that are available.
如果看到目录副标题, 请单击它以查看可用的模板。
All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
You see there first the component of the kinetic energy, which is the and then you see the term which is the potential energy.
you can see it also, you can see where the sections are, something might continue for a while, change, get really crazy and then end.
You can see his determination and ambition, and he can switch things on a sixpence, so I cant wait for people to see what hes achieving.
她们要是丢了六便士, 那可就麻烦啦。
From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations.
We see this as a tremendous opportunity to improve the way PCs work, I hope people are starting to see design is making a difference in computers.'
Teenagers are thrust into a world that seems unloving, unjust, unfair, and they see no reason for living - that's why we see so many committing suicide.'
Did you see my wife, did you see, Did you see my wife looking for me? She wears a straw bonnet, wit white ribbons on it, And dimity petticoats over her knee.
People always see others' demerits and their own merits. On the contrary, people should see others' merits and demerits of their own, which will help themselves and others to make progress.
There is a huge difference between looking at the scenery and nihility. There are many people who go out of their way to see the scenery, but they actually don't see anything. On the contrary, people who try to see nothingness can sometimes see a lot more things.

单词 see 释义

  • 单词释义:看见;领会,理解;查看;参观  [更多..]



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