单词 scold 例句大全,用单词scold造句:

You know what I am so long big you are the second can take me scold of crying.
Don't take any notice of the boy. If you scold him, he'll only start acting up.
Grandmother would always come out and scold us, worried that we would fall off.
奶奶总是要骂的, 害怕我们摔下来。
Loudly did he shout and wave and scold, but the crows were not to be scared away.
For the attention of the it, profession with painful scold, the friends vigilance.
为之, 行业的注意和痛骂, 朋友的警觉。
Its owner tried to scold me, but the attempt was not a success, we both laughed so.
书的主人想要责骂我, 却没骂出口, 我们两个一笑了之。
He has already shed tears for his mistakes, and I can't bear to scold him any more.
To my delight, she didnt scold me. Instead, she praised me for helping that old woman.
Feeds when the bitter medicine certainly wants the patience, cannot and scold the child.
Qi depressed in the heart, to scold, straight in the defense, so it is the product garbage!
When their beginning be eat to put of time make dirty clothes, please dont blame and scold them.
Not at all. When she wants to scold me by enumerating my wrong doings, she has no excuse at all.
一点也不, 现在她想数落我时, 再也找不到理由了。
The next day newspapers and the police furious, reported to their superiors, scold the newspaper.
A Not at all. When she wants to scold me by enumerating my wrongdoings, she has no excuse at all.
if i learn English people mull scold me as a traitor, and still i had better not to learn English.
By dint of the strength of eloquence scold you the Zu fairy in the grave get up to say apology for me.
The woman without pubic hair impatiently secondhand canthus Piao Diao big Peng one eye Xun scold a way.
Letting go is not to nag, scold or argue but instead to search out your own shortcomings and correct them.
To company that career that this come with the on behalf is exclamation with cut up rough with painful scold.
Before I allowed you to scold severals also just, once and for all this affair my indefensible was previously.
以前我任你数落几句也就罢了, 毕竟这件事情我理亏在先。
Considers as finished, he plays the fool, to annoy you to scold loudly, oneself do not make that laughs likely.
Counterjumper Can not be, the affirmation after the boss knows can scold me, bane can compare invigorator one times more expensive.
伙计可不是, 老板知道后肯定会骂我, 毒药可比补药贵一倍呢。
Su palace lord the lecture weighed, all of the futures were guests, which reproach and scold of reason, invite seat of glory quickly.

单词 scold 释义

  • 单词释义:v.责骂,申斥,斥责  [更多..]



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