单词 scraping 例句大全,用单词scraping造句:

Wood putty on the surface of Calibrating scraping along the light fittings are not stubble.
表面上的腻子顺着木纹刮平刮光, 接头不留茬。
Make sure use the saw with continuous watering to prevent building a fire through scraping.
The cab driver struggled with her luggage, scraping a bag against the door as they came in.
The timing chain or belt can slap against the cover, producing a thumping or scraping sound.
To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.
到室外一抛, 纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。
Roller, stainless steel scraping knife and machine is new, vibration problem does not exist.
The scraping and washing method is simple and useful in the dividing of donor liver in vitro.
Drinking a cup of warm water after scraping can replace the water and promote the metabolism.
刮痧后要喝一杯温水, 补充水分, 促进新陈代谢。
The impact scraping load displacement curve and scraping work can be measured by the machine.
测试涂层冲击刮削载荷 位移曲线及刮削功等。
Mr Robinson was bowing and scraping to everyone when the visitors came to inspect the factory.
当来访者巡视工厂时, 罗宾逊先生对所有的人都点头哈腰。
And once, exactly as she had feared, I slipped off from my rocky perch, badly scraping my knee.
Pressure of scraping ink may be automatically adjusted, improve the quality of printing products.
刮墨装置新型, 重型三方位可调正。
Andy finally gets his head through, scraping his ears. He's got a penlight clenched in his teeth.
Error Analysis and Compensation for Resistance Flan Scraping of Carbon Composition Film Potentiometer
The Analysis for the Scraping Principle and Mechanics of the Floating Scraper of An Ice Cream Freezer
MidAutumn Festival trouble with the wind, scraping the sky, happiness has become a trend, headblowing.
中秋节烦恼随风, 刮向天空, 快乐成风, 迎面吹送。
Measuring roll or built in scraping knife may choose to use in accordance with production requirements.
The scraping sound went along the whole row of windows until the lamps were burning as if at a funeral.
整排窗子都发出这种声音直到灯都亮了, 一切好像葬礼。
Therefore, the installation when scraping knife, you want to make sure that the strickle blade pressure.
因此, 安拆刮不朱刀时给保证裂缝度好, 使刮不朱刀受辛平均。
With this type of skirt excellent matches between skirt and liner can he achieved and piston scraping eliminated.
Brushing or scraping the tongue twice a day reduces the number of bacteria on the tongue, which causes bad breath.
Xu gave him the immediate rescue by applying the essential balm to the young guy and also offering him the skin scraping therapy.
徐秀珍立刻给他涂了随身携带的风油精, 并为他刮痧。
Objective Studying about the good qualities of the treatment for facial spasm by cranium internal facial never root comb scraping.
Compensating Weight Method for Static Equilibrium after Scraping off Deviations of Coupling Shape Distortion in Turbogenerator Set
Efficacy of Treating Agrypnia by Scraping on Selected Acupoint by Differentiating Symptoms and Signs in Combination with Accommodating Emotion

单词 scraping 释义

  • 单词释义:刮;擦;挖;刮擦声  [更多..]



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