单词 scum 例句大全,用单词scum造句:

Aerobic bacteria often form pellicle or scum on the surface of liquid media.
好氧性细菌可在液体表面形成菌醭, 或菌膜。
Boner Well Eddie. Maybe you should consider the possibility that youre scum.
波纳我认为你要这么说, 你准是个流氓。
In fact, according to his system, I think we're probably classified as scum.
to become covered with a coating,as scum or froth on the surface of a liquid
Honorable host, unlike this man on my left, I do not work for that evil scum.
Some interview content very expatiatory, how to take its flower, go its scum?
To become covered with a coating, as scum or froth on the surface of a liquid.
Vile scum! For the abuse you have inflicted upon Isabel and the Griffin Empire!
She treats smokers like the scum of the earth, ie as the worst people there are.
The problems and measures appeared when mixing scum in the delayed coking unit feed
Analysis on the Elementary Components of the Scum of Mixed Juice from Sugarcane Mill
Discussion and Practice of Developing Building Materials Using Fluor gypsum Off scum.
VIEWED from humanitys lofty heights, singlecelled creatures are the scum of the earth.
从人类的高度来看, 单细胞生物是地球上的浮渣。
Renovation of Scum Treatment System in Aerated Grit Chamber of Wastewater Treatment Plant
In succession, the original before bricklaying shall be the scum of masonry surface cleared
在继承砌筑前, 应将原砌体表面的浮渣清除
Toxic cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as pond scum, turned the big lake fluorescent green.
It is equipped with scum skimmer and remover. The bottom of tank can be either flat or sloping.
Handling huge volumes of oily scum is one of the headache problems often encountered in refineries.
Rediscuss on forming process about scum and efflorescence on sintered brick and tile products surface
Therefore, it is unnecessary to clear scum, as long as it does not affect the forward movement of waves.
只要它不影响波浪的推动, 每天清理一次就可以了。
These fatty acids are less soluble than the sodium or potassium salts and form a precipitate or soap scum.
High water content of the oilbearing sludge scum is due to difficulty of its dewater in its commercial treatment.
在油泥, 浮渣的实际处理中, 因其脱水困难造成含水率较高。
In the scum layer, these fatty materials may be rather remote from the bacteria that are capable of utilizing them.
The higher the temperature is , the bigger the stirring flow of the solder surface is, the more the scum there will be.
温度越高及焊锡表面的搅流越大, 形成的浮渣越多。
Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the bloody city, to the pot whose scum is therein, and whose scum is not gone out of it!

单词 scum 释义

  • 单词释义:浮渣;泡沫;糟粕  [更多..]



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