单词 seat 例句大全,用单词seat造句:

The driver and the person sitting in the front passengers seat must wear seat belts.
Female booking clerk at once enthusiastic accost, call person offer one's seat to sb.
The automobile seat of the utility model is composed of a backrest and a seat cushion.
The air hostess showed him the seat and told him to sit down and fasten the seat belt.
In fighter plane cabin ancient wisdom guest in front seat, Chen Jianting in back seat.
Please abide by the rules of the theater. Take your seat according to your seat number.
This Nightfort is the place my husband has chosen for our seat, and there we shall abide.
夜堡是我丈夫为我们选择的居处, 我们一定要住在那里。
Please keep your seat belts fastened until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.
Once the seat is mounted to the trike frame, the seat sling can be adjusted for proper fit.
一旦座位是安装在三轮车架, 座椅可调节背带适当配合。
The hips need to remain supple to allow the horses movement to be absorbed through the seat.
Who is required to wear seat belts when riding in the front seat of a car or a pickup truck?
Please stay in your seat and keep your seat belt fastened until the sign has been turned off.
Adjustable seat height Pull push the control lever to adjust the seat to a comfortable height.
In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.
Remove the three screws that secure the seat cushion side shield to the outboard seat cushion frame.
And the absence of systems that function break the connection which got you all in this seat tonight.
而体制的欠缺 足以摧毁让你们今晚得以坐在这里的联系。
More accurate time estimates when building the duplicates database Added support for multiple seat keys.
You must always wear a seat belt when sitting in the front seat or middle front seat of a minibus or taxi.
Also please make certain that your seat belt is securely fastened and your seat is in the upright position.
Please remain in your seat with your seat belt fas tened until you have been given permission to disembark.
在允许下飞机前, 请坐在座位上, 系好安全带。
If traveling by train, there is the choice of a soft seat with sleeper accommodation overnight where appropriate.
the switching seat is provided with a guide rod, and top bracing seat correspondingly forms a pair of guide grooves.
该切换座设有一导杆, 该顶撑座对应形成一对导槽。
bid for a permanent council seat, bid for UNSC seat, bid for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council
light guiding holes are respectively arranged on two crossed oblique planes of the base seat opposite to the lens seat.
Two human beings to be set on the earth are with their seat in common, the moon accompanied by the sun is of brightness.
二人土上坐, 一日月边明。

单词 seat 释义

  • 单词释义:席位,座位;所在地;场所;臀部  [更多..]



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