单词 senseless 例句大全,用单词senseless造句:

At the last clause of this announcement a senseless anger swelled the young man's breast.
听到最后一句话, 一股无名的愤懑在阿切尔的心中油然而生。
All that we really want to do is to correct these violent, senseless fluctuations in price.
我们真正要做的,是熨平这些剧烈的 无益的价格波动。
Inside millions of terrified Beings scurry about through senseless mazes of tunnels and lanes.
If this is something that would bore you senseless then please feel free to skip the next paragraph.
如果你对此不感兴趣, 可以直接跳到下一段。
They must not allow themselves to fall back into the tragic and senseless cycle of violence and revenge.
Ferret out information that will hold them responsible.You might get behind if you spend too much time debating senseless issues.
如果花费太多时间争论无意义的问题, 你可能会落后于他人。

单词 senseless 释义

  • 单词释义:无知的;愚蠢的;无意义的;无感觉的  [更多..]



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