单词 radiance 例句大全,用单词radiance造句:

When the sun and moon full radiance, everyone would relief and sing and dance in celebration.
等到日月恢复光明了, 大家才松下一口气, 歌舞庆祝。
The cloud filled the temple, and the court was full of the radiance of the glory of the LORD.
Bathed in the spring radiance, people feel twice as alive and feel like doing something great.
Maintains and helps prolong a youthful appearance. Enhances radiance and toughness of the skin.
A deep cleansing treat for the skin to help boost radiance, leaving skin silky soft and smooth.
The water and the hills add radiance and beauty to each other, classical and modern reflect here.
So powerful was its radiance at it thoroughly illuminated the dense medium of cloud theand earth.
I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me.
我应该根据她的行为, 而不是根据她的话来判断她。
The city of Jinzhou abounds with folk arts. Various art forms add radiance and beauty to each other.
Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the immortal radiance. She was consumed to ashes.
While a great, measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the deities.
In my hometown, the hills and rivers add radiance and beauty to each other, which looks very charming.
the ginseng probides lasting and moisturizing the skin as well as revitalizing radiance an complexion.
人参菁华持久滋润皮肤, 还可以提亮和均匀肤色。
The iterative method is used to calculate sky radiance without the reflectance from underlying surface.
Only we together make concerted efforts, the archives work of the document can split and present radiance.
只有同心协力, 才能让文书档案工作绽放光彩。
Even though the sky was gloomy, I felt a brilliant radiance inside and a warm current flowing through my body.
Electromagnetic Radiance of Moving Charged Particle in the Strong Gravitational Field Caused by Rotating Sphere
All the radiance, poured out, all the Spring meadows dew lies merged and enclosed only in the chalice of the rose.
Sky radiance might be influenced by the multiple reflectance between the earth's albedo surface and the atmosphere.
Spectral radiance responsivity calibration of ultraviolet remote sensing spectroradiometer in space using integrating sphere.

单词 radiance 释义

  • 单词释义:发光;光辉;辐射;欣喜的神色  [更多..]



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