单词 mother 例句大全,用单词mother造句:

When arranging mother's belongings she left, I found some photos treasured by mother.
Because of the beautiful mother bred, the first clarion of life, so I sing the mother.
因为母亲美丽的孕育, 是生命的第一声嘹亮, 所以我歌唱母亲。
The angel child and the dragon mother, Hagen thought, returning the mother's cold stare.
One of the Tienpiaos lead fighters, comes up with a dirty trick. He abduct Chings mother.
She took over the nurturing duties, after the baby felines were abandoned by their mother.
Kim asks her mother about the doctor's prognosis regarding her persistent abdominal pains.
金姆问她的母亲, 医生对她持续的腹痛是怎么诊治的。
An expectant mother practises yoga during a show to celebrated the Mother's Day in Xiamen.
The MidAutumn festival is the childhood, mother, grew up, and I was the mother of the sky.
中秋节小时候, 妈妈是天空, 长大了, 我是妈妈的天空。
I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.
Product concept Insistence on mother's.mother is the most fragrant the mother food quality.
My mother would not be my mother if she had swept this under the rug without further comment.
Every time his mother decoction, he had personally taste, and then sent to his mother clothes.
每次为母亲煎药, 他都要亲口尝一尝, 然后再送给母亲服。
The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.
The little tadpoles saw some ducks were playing with their mother. They remembered their mother.
小蝌蚪们看见小鸭在和妈妈玩, 想起了自己的妈妈。
I cuddled up to her mother and sat down beside her, let the mother in the ears is always nagging.
He has returned to his ancestral home with his mother's coffin to observe mourning for his mother.
Please, let your mother know how much you are going to love her. I've been loving my lovely mother.
You know they are mother and daughter the moment you see them. She resembles her mother in every way.
He will send a postcard to his mother on Mothers Day. He will send his mother a postcard on Mothers Day.
A golden retriever has come to the rescue of a trio of baby white tigers, who were abandoned by their mother.
Failure is the mother of success. If there is nothing good about failure, how can it be the mother of success ?
She is also entitled the Wealth Treasure Buddhist Mother, Wealth Continuing Buddhist Mother, Treasure Source Tara.
You imagine that you were born at a certain time and place, that you have a father and a mother, a body and a name.
The mother image changed from an understanding wife and loving mother to a bawd, which was inseparable with the development of social economy and culture.
慈母由贤妻良母沦为鸨母, 与社会经济文化发展密不可分。
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there! I’m blessed to have such a wonderful and caring mother. Thank you for all your sacrifices, you are truly the best mom ever!

单词 mother 释义

  • 单词释义:母亲,妈妈;女修道院院长;大娘  [更多..]



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