单词 much 例句大全,用单词much造句:

Americans consider lobsters more important than pigeons but also much, much stupider.
美国人觉得龙虾 比鸽子更重要 但也更加愚蠢
You dont know how much I love you, how much I adore you, and how much I need you.
Do you brag to others about how much you work or how much you managed to fit in one day
Obviously, how much you weigh depends on how much you eat and how much energy you burn.
很显然,你的重量决定于 你吃了多少和你消耗了多少能量
How much coffee do you sell approximately per month, how much revenue does it bring you.
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too.
不论你拥有的何其多, 也不论你有多大的成就, 你仍需要帮助。
Consider how much intellect was needed in the architect, and how much oBservance of nature
There is so much water in the Atlantic ocean that it is hard to imagine how much there is.
Dont a what person think have much classic, dont also a what person think have much filth.
Bennet as much as possible, saying not much to Elizabeth, and nothing at all to the others.
They were able to acquire colors of much greater spectral purity and much greater intensity.
他们使用的色彩更纯粹, 更强烈。
How good, though, depends as much on where people put their savings as on how much they put aside.
至于有多好, 取决于人们将存款放在哪里以及储蓄多少。
These viewpoints of aperture master are to have insight very much, have philosophic theory very much.
How much romance has the light drizzle parasol tree ever deduced and contained how much deep feeling.
It was so much darker, and so much more complicated and foreign, than I could have imagined it would be.
这个行业远比我想象的更阴暗, 也更复杂和难以接近。
Available at left is the courses syllabus, along with information about this course. And much, much more.
左边是课程的教学大纲, 以及有关本课程的信息, 等等。
Recently, there has been much mud in the Yangzi River, which makes the channel much shallower than before.
Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce.
因为社会上文明过度, 生活资料太多, 工业和商业太发达。
My teacher's wife has already waited me at the hospital very much, I also have already is a hospital very much.
我的师母很早就在医院等我了, 我也很早就到了医院。
How much of the cash contributed at arrow 1 in Figure 1. 1 comes from shareholders and how much from borrowing.
That somebody with so talent, so much genius one might argue, was filled with so much doubt about his own ability.
Soviet officials were reluctant to seek much outside assistance whilestill trying to pretend that not much had happened.
There is not much not much in correspondence between the ideals of democratic countries and those of totalitarian states.
I think he is probably making too much money, getting too much education adulation to put himself through the immegranter meet grinder again.
我认为他可能正在努力筹集资金, 说服大众支持他再次参选。
Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.

单词 much 释义

  • 单词释义:非常;差不多;很多地;很大程度上  [更多..]



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