单词 morgan 例句大全,用单词morgan造句:

The Scientific Achievement and Success Reason Analysis of the Morgan's School
At that time, Morgan is also facing difficulties apply when the shareholders.
当时, 面临困境的摩根也报名当上了股东。
Morgan evinced no doubts about the relationship between genes and chromosomes.
Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman costar as members of the Boston Police Department.
崔克为追寻真相深入贩毒网络, 不惜把亲人, 性命作为赌注
GuangZhou Morgan International Apartments for Rent During the 102nd Canton Fair
Morgan le Fay was waving to them from the magic tree house high in the branches.
摩根 拉菲在枝条错落的魔法树屋上朝他们朝手。
Morgan was the appointed Actuary of the Society for Equitable Assurances in 1773.
Morgan was the appointed Actuary of the Society for Equitable Assurances in 1775.
Mr. Morgan can be very sad in private, though in public he is extremely cheerful.
摩根先生可能私底下非常悲伤, 即使在公开场合他极其开心。
Around the Morgan and Rockefeller empires clustered a number of smaller kingdoms.
The writer is Associate Director, Portfolio Management of Morgan Grenfell Limited.
As a result, some of Morgan's minor hypotheses have been shaken or even disproved.
Million dollar baby also featured the best supporting actor winner, Morgan freeman.
Morgan released an apology addressed to his fans and the gay and lesbian community.
Let us, however, return to Morgan, from whom we have moved a considerable distance.
Morgan's existing clearing business, meanwhile, typically caters to larger customers.
Morgan Keay says the Tsaatan are becoming economically independent for the first time.
Morgan, postponed the sale of twelve billion dollars in bonds for the carmaker Chrysler.
The Morgan argument, this purchase will make its in 2009 each income to increase 50 cents.
JV MORGAN CAPITAL compliance department may require further information prior to processing.
Prior to Morgan Stanley, he worked at Merrill Lynch, where he ran the companys retail brokerage.
在此之前, 他曾在美林公司负责公司个人客户业务。
It is reported that at Morgan Stanley, the basic salary, enhance discussion has already started.
有报道称, 在摩根士丹利, 有关提高基本薪酬的讨论已经启动。
Morgan Look, we need as close to the real voice as you can get, and anything that might be in the background.
听着, 我们需要尽可能真实的声音和背景里的任何杂音。
Concern that Europes debt crisis may thwart a global economic recovery sent the Morgan Stanley Cyclical Index down 4. 6 percent.
我的占有欲限制和阻碍别人, 无论我的用心是多么善良。
He felt under increasing pressure during an interview arranged with Piers Morgan, editor of The Mirror, whose questions appeared to him to have been prompted.

单词 morgan 释义

  • 单词释义:n.摩根马(美国佛蒙特州轻型马,与美国快马相似)  [更多..]



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