单词 mucronate 例句大全,用单词mucronate造句:

Anthers ca. 0.5 m, apex spinose mucronate.
花药长约0。5米, 先端短尖。
Anthers minute, apex with a mucronate appendage.
花药小, 先端具一短尖的附属物。
follicles long ellipsoid, obovoid or ovoid, apex obtuse or abruptly mucronate.
Leaf blade margin conspicuously crenulate, apex obtuse to subrounded and sometimes mucronate.
最初被绒毛的叶片背面, 后脱落, 先端锐尖或渐尖。
Leaves alternate, terete or semiterete, fleshy, apex obtuse or easily deciduous spinose mucronate.
叶互生, 圆柱状或半圆柱状, 肉质, 先端钝或者容易落叶短尖。

单词 mucronate 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.[生]有尖端的 棘状的(亦作 mucronated)  [更多..]



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