单词 musk 例句大全,用单词musk造句:

It starts to express its complexity with notes of flint, leather, and spices such as cinnamon, clove or musk.
嗅觉上有火石, 皮革和香料。
Wormwood, Bergamot, Cardamom, Lavender, Orange Blossom, Cinnamon, Cumin, Wood, Musk, Amber, Vanilla, Tonka Bean.
Study under musk regulation and control of ratsdegenerated cervical intervertebral discs gene expression profile.
Studies on the Dissolution of Total Ginsenoside in vitro and Preparation of Heartprotecting Musk Dispersible Tablets.
This UNISEX Fragrance, a Sheer Floral Musk, was created in collaboration with Gabriela Chelariu of Fragrance Resources.
这不分男女的香味, 一陡峭花的麝香被在有。
Variations of Blood Testosterone of Male Musk Deers during Physiological Inducement of the Secondary Musk Secretion by Androgens
AStudy on the Physiological Inducement of the Secodary Musk Secretion of Male Musk Deer by Androgens Within Successive Three Years
Musk, as well as beyond the limits of the abovementioned provisions of Chinese herbs, Chinese patent medicines are not allowed to exit.
Objective To study the possible pathway of the effect of musk on brain disorder, distributing into the brain through blood brain barrier.

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