单词 napkin 例句大全,用单词napkin造句:

A table setting looks much more inviting with cloth napkins and napkin rings.
If the host should a guest to eat a meal, to the original crease napkin fold.
如果主人还要留客人再吃一顿饭, 餐巾可按原来的折痕折好。
Lapkin blushed terribly and put his napkin into his mouth instead of a cookie.
Now your one foot is standing forword on the napkin anther one is in the point.
How careless of me! Wait a moment, let me bring a napkin to clean your clothes.
请您稍等, 我去拿餐巾来替您擦干净衣服。
No doubt, between layers of myrrh and aloes, the Head being wrapped in a napkin.
She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin.
Keep the line with a tray,put a knife,a fork and a piece of paper napkin on it.
Don't blow your nose a napkin. Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that.
In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.
After I got the seeds, very excited, and quickly wrap with napkin, for fear of lost.
我拿到种子后, 非常兴奋, 赶紧用餐巾纸包好, 生怕掉了。
Now, the national sanitary napkin production enterprises, have hundreds of brand list.
buy product Napkin Holders, Range Top Drip Pans, Storage Products, Toothbrush Holders.
采购产品主要经营纸巾架, 贮藏用品, 牙刷架等产品。
I've also settled on this table napkin box, toothpick bottle and this set of tableware.
But here the problem is, one company is making napkin out of cotton. It is working well.
问题是,工厂可以用棉花 做出很好的餐巾纸
May use table napkin a jiao to delete in the mouth either the finger grease stains or dirty.
Plan a picnic and bring along champagne, flowers and unfold the diamond gift from a linen napkin.
Melkon had drawn a high, slimlegged sideboard on the back of a napkin at our favourite sushi joint.
Just pick up a tray, put a knife, a fork, a spoon and a paper napkin on it, and then start down the line.
Suddenly ahead hiking into that odd person face, a dismantle his brain up of fasten the black napkin of Zhao.
忽然走至那神秘人面前, 一把取下他头上的裹著的黑布。
Several necklaces, several bracelet bangles, a casket jewel. Of bottles Ive also settled on this table napkin box, t.
我还要买几串项链, 几个手镯, 一个首饰盒。
Determining the content of plumbum and cadmium in napkin and face tissue with microwave digest and graphite oven atomic absorption spetrometry method

单词 napkin 释义

  • 单词释义:餐巾,餐巾纸;尿布;(女士)卫生巾  [更多..]



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