单词 muster 例句大全,用单词muster造句:

Is the muster list correctly compiled, maintained and crewmembers aware of their duties
应变部署表正确编辑, 保持, 船员知道他们的职责?
The squadron emergency muster, rushes to the scene of the accident with lightning speed.
It must pass muster in much more rigorous testing before the company seeks U.S. approval.
Any political entity would invoke religious solidarity to muster its strength in numbers.
I do appreciate good advice so much, 'said Scarlett, with all the sarcasm she could muster.
To muster his host and bring it into danger this may be termed the business of the general.
聚三军之众, 投之于险, 此谓将军之事也。
Political leadership on both sides will need to muster courage to reorient the relationship.
日中两国政治领导人需要鼓起勇气, 重新定位两国关系。
The Greek government can barely muster a majority to force through its latest austerity package.
He can use both hands to work miracles, why can not I muster the courage to overcome difficulties?
Let us muster the political will and the courage to carry the reforms to their logical conclusion.
With all the courage I could muster, I looked at him straight in the eye and captured his attention.
我集中所有的勇气, 直视着他的眼睛来引起他的注意。
Or, even if they can muster up the ability to go a few times, their motivation eventually dies down.
即使他们能够鼓起劲去锻炼几次, 最后也还是放弃了。
The swift will not escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life.
But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop. The forbidding antique shop is pretentious.

单词 muster 释义

  • 单词释义:集合;集合的人群;检阅;花名册  [更多..]



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