单词 multiply 例句大全,用单词multiply造句:

Taking the wrong medicine may delay correct treatment and allow bacteria to multiply.
The effect of truncating a super Gaussian beam on the yields of multiply charged ions
Being one of contents for mankind to multiply the later generations and continue life.
The gorilla population continues to multiply as the spirit of her achievement loves on.
Later multiply by the appropriate number to give the number or the eggs per gram faeces.
They multiply and pass from generation to generation much like ordinary bacterial genes.
Closure, resulting in a block that will multiply all the elements of a given list by 12.
处理, 形成一个块, 会将指定列表中的所有元素都乘以12。
Research and Application on the Flood Predication of Multiply Connected Rivers Based on ANN
I often had to repent for not following the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.
You can just multiply a normal vector by any constant, you will still get the normal vector.
一个法向量与任意常数相乘, 还是法向量。
It is a kind of person rides to multiply horses or control the agonistic project of carriage.
Sex is the root of the human beings multiply, the source of emotion, the fountain of love as well.
Science teacher's role should change elastically and multiply depending on the instruction context.
Multiply paper sacks can be filled to customer's specific requirements to facilitate batch charging.
Presents an algorithm for polyline clipping based on a multiply connected domain formed by finite loops.
These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae, the infective form for man.
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them
当人在世上多起来, 又生女儿的时候
Exalt the quality of the real estate enterprises financial capital to multiply the funds collecting channels.
提高房地产开发企业金融资产质量, 融资渠道多元化发展。
Automatic cast conversion causes the multiply and dot intrinsic functions to return the same results as used here
Simple math tool to practice add, subtra Simple math tool to practice add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Walgreens pharmacies and other convenient locations, and their numbers are expected to multiply in the next few years.
在今后几年, 这些零售诊所的数量有可能翻倍。
Mistakes creep in and if adjustments are not continually made along the way the mistakes build and multiply on each other.
The Compound Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Elliptic Complex Equations of the First Order in Multiply Connected Domains
1 Case of chronic pyelonephritis complicated with multiply hemorrhage in the renal parenchyma and hematoma in the renal sinus
Multiply that by thousands of interconnected chemical reactions operating simultaneously in billions of cells, and you 're got one incredibly complex system.

单词 multiply 释义

  • 单词释义:乘;(使)相乘;(使)增加;(使)繁殖  [更多..]



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